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Viewing topic "reverb and chorus in performance mode"

Posted on: June 19, 2014 @ 01:08 AM
Total Posts:  37
Joined  04-21-2008
status: Regular

I haven’t programmed my Motif Rack ES in some time.
Should I be able to add both reverb and chorus in performance mode?
I am using MidiQuest librarian and, even though I am changing the send levels, I cannot seem to get the performance reverb/chorus to happen.

Do I need to enable something? Is there a return level somewhere?

thank you for any help.


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Posted on: June 19, 2014 @ 09:33 AM
Total Posts:  36620
Joined  07-30-2002
status: Moderator

Yes, yes, yes. To all questions.

Reasons you may not hear the result you expect include things like… On drums for example, the sends are set per drum within a drum kit Voice… So typically you don’t want reverb on low frequencies, so the kick drum might have the send set to 0, while a snare might have the individual reverb set to 20. Turning up the overall Reverb send for the Drum Kit in a Performance will add more reverb to the snare but will do nothing for the Kick drum.

Each PART of a Performance has a Send amount parameter that works just like four musicians plugged into a mixer that has Aux Send 1 connected to a Reverb and Aux Send 2 connected to a Chorus. You should find a Send Amount for each PART.

Sorry don’t know where to tell you to look on your MIDI Quest Editor… Can tell you on the product or the Yamaha Editor…

Send would be a PART parameter.
The Return would be a COMMON Effect parameter.

[SHIFT]+[PERFORM] → select Performance → select Performance Edit by pressing [EDIT] once or twice → [MUTE/SEL/ENTER] (LED turns off) → select Part with [1/5/9/13]-[4/8/12/16] → select each display with PAGE [<][>].
The Effect Send is on the [OUTPUT] screen

[SHIFT]+[PERFORM] → select Performance → press [EFFECT] once or twice
The Effect Returns are on the EFFECT CONNECT screen.

Effects can be BYPASSED make sure they are active and not in bypass mode.

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Posted on: June 21, 2014 @ 12:02 AM
Total Posts:  37
Joined  04-21-2008
status: Regular

Thank you for getting back to me.
I have found the individual part sends and the common returns.
For some reason, it seems like I can still hear a reverb return on a part that has the reverb send set to zero.

Here is my test.
I picked a string sound (PWM Strings) and placed it into part 4 of a performance. I picked the Canyon reverb and set the common return to max (127). Then I set the individual part send to zero but I still here significant reverb.
I know I am challenging the numbers but I would have thought that zero would still give me zero.

Any ideas?

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Posted on: June 21, 2014 @ 08:09 AM
Total Posts:  36620
Joined  07-30-2002
status: Moderator

Just did it, I get zero.

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Posted on: June 26, 2014 @ 11:22 PM
Total Posts:  37
Joined  04-21-2008
status: Regular

Thank you, Bad_Mister, for your help.

Once again, it was operator error.
I had some latency between my editor/librarian and the Motif Rack-ES.

In addition, I got re-acquainted with the fact that in Performance Mode, there is also a common send for both reverb and chorus along with the individual sends. If the common send is zero, it doesn’t matter what you do with the individual sends.

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