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Viewing topic "Logic Pro x signal, but no sound"

Posted on: June 03, 2014 @ 07:29 AM
Total Posts:  33
Joined  07-19-2012
status: Regular

Hello I have Logic Pro x and it work the first couple of days. I notice when I load up logic I can see the signal but no sound!!!! I also notice after working with it all night i can hear audio after I unplug the USB cable. But soon as I connect the USB cable back up no audio only signal. ! Please help I feel that there is something turn off in logic or muted because i can load garage band and it works perfect!!! Please help.  Thanks again

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Posted on: December 05, 2014 @ 01:31 AM
Total Posts:  1
Joined  08-16-2013
status: Newcomer

If you have found an answer to this question, I would sure like to know!

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Posted on: December 09, 2014 @ 09:25 AM
Total Posts:  1055
Joined  07-01-2013
status: Guru

Can you tell us how you are listening to the sound of Logic? (and your Yamaha)

Can you tell us how everything is connected?

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