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Philip B
Total Posts: 43
Joined 08-21-2010 status: Regular |
Motif XS :I have set up a voice with different effects on Chorus (using flanger) then the effect in song mode. I want to adjust this effect on a part (using this voice), but I Always see the effects of the common for each part the same. How can I adjust the effect (or use the effect) from the voice for that part ? example : at a certain moment I want to increase the flanger effect of the voice in song mode. |
Total Posts: 36620
Joined 07-30-2002 status: Moderator |
Did you know: there are SYSTEM EFFECTS (Reverb and Chorus) which are shared by all Parts. Each of the 17 Parts has a SEND amount to these processors. This works exactly like a mixing console with two Auxiliary Sends on each channel, one feeds the System Reverb, the other feeds the System Chorus (Time Delay) processor. There are also the INSERT EFFECTS which are set individually for eight of the Parts. You can select any 8 of the 17 PARTS to recall their two Insert Effects. The Insert Effect is applied directly to the individual Voice. This works exactly like a musician that has two personal effects. They do not share them with anyone else, they belong to the individual musician. For example, a guitar player may have their own Distortion and Wah -Wah pedal… The organist might have a Rotary Speaker and Overdrive, etc. No other musician plugs into the guitar players distortion box, no other musician plugs into the guitar players Wah-Wah, the guitar is “inserted” directly into these effects. The a Rotary Speaker belongs to the B3 player. Make sense? So SYSTEM EFFECTS are like Aux Sends every channel can access; INSERT EFFECTS are like the player’s individual personal effects. System effects like Reverb are shared - all members if the ensemble are in the same room, and share the same reverberation characteristics. You can put more reverb on one sound than another. To the listener this places them closer or farther away. You cannot control the size and shape of the room the band is in - not in real time, that would require hammers and nails, major reconstruction :-) the room acoustics are shared. Insertion Effects are the personal property of the individual musician, they can be controlled in real time. The guitarist can adjust and perform on the Wah-Wah pedal, the organist can speed up or slow down the Rotary Speaker (Insert) Effect. So looking to control an effect in real time, means you will need to assign control within the Voice itself! Make sense? So if you want to control an effect in real time you want to apply that effect as an Insert Effect. Insert effects are, literally, a part of the Voice, not a part of the mixer.
Press [MIXING]
Press [F6] VCE ED>
As we mentioned you can select any eight of the seventeen Parts to access their Voice mode Insert Effects… As long as it is one of the eight you designate as recalling their Insertion Effects.
Set either the INS A or INS B to the Flanger you would like to use.
Use [F4] CTRL SET (Controller Setup) to assign real time controllers to control the parameter you wish to adjust. Please note only certain musically useful parameters are available for real time control. What does “musically useful” mean? The designer’s do not give you access to any parameter that would cause a non-musical result if you change it in real time, for example, any parameter that would cause a noise if changed is prevented from being assigned to a controller. Increasing the Flanger Effect is a musically useful function, switching between Insertion Effects is not allowed. Changing EQ is not allowed as this causes the bad type of phase shifting, etc.
Now once you complete editing
This allows you to customize Voices for each Part - and you can edit the Voice assigned to that Part, without having to leave the sequencer mode. This means you can edit that effect while you are hearing it in context of the sequence. This is extremely useful when using a TEMPO driven effect… Yes, select the “TEMPO FLANGER” can be set to follow the Tempo of your sequencer. The SPEED parameter can be set to musical values like half notes, quarter notes, eighth notes etc., etc. Even triplet values (see the Reference Manual, and Data List booklets for details). Hope that helps. |
Philip B
Total Posts: 43
Joined 08-21-2010 status: Regular |
In Voice mode : I want to use the Phaser on a drum voice in Insertion A, so that I can use this effect on my song (song-mode). however the effect of the phaser in insertion A in voice mode for the drums don’t do anything. When I turn the knob Assign 1, nothing changes, even when the knob is assigned to my insertion A. |
Total Posts: 36620
Joined 07-30-2002 status: Moderator |
Drum Kit Voices are specialty Voices and behave differently than the so-called, Normal Voices. A Normal Voice, typically, uses as many as 8 oscillators (called Elements) to make up one sound. In a rare case, two instruments are made via the 8 oscillators - as in the VOICE “Piano + Strings”, or a split “Piano/Bass”, for example. A Drum Kit Voice, typically, uses as many as 73 oscillators (Elements)… One per KEY C0~C6. Each Key has a different drum or percussion instrument on it. While it takes 88 keys to emulate a piano (normal instrument), it takes only one key to emulate a snare drum. While it takes several octaves of keys to emulate a flute, it takes on one key to emulate a Bass drum, and so on. A Normal Voice with its 8 Elements can route signal to the Insert Effects and typically, all the Elements are routed together to that Effect… for example, the Piano (Full Concert Grand) all 8 Elements are sent to the “Damper Resonance” insertion effect together because it is responsible for recreating the soundboard resonance while the sustain pedal is engaged. In a Voice that is Piano + Strings, you might have the Piano Elements routed to one INSERTION EFFECT while you routed the String Elements to the other INSERTION EFFECT - point is you can route Elements individually through the Insertion Effects. In a Drum Voice you have the option of individually routing any of the 73 Elements to one or the other of the two INSERTION EFFECTS, on a per KEY basis. This is what makes the system so powerful - as you’ll see. Unfortunately, you don’t mention which of the drum kits you are working on, but you can figure this out for yourself… You can Edit the Drum Kit in VOICE mode or in SONG/PATTERN mode, if you prefer. You will be editing the VOICE and you will need to, when you have completed your editing [STORE] the newly Edited KIT to one of 32 USER DRUM bank locations in your Motif XF.
If in VOICE mode - simply call up the KIT and press EDIT.
Once in EDIT
In the upper left corner of the screen you can select the key - you do so by holding down [SF6] KBD + touch the Drum Key you want to reroute. You can route the Drum to either INSERT “A” or INSERT “B” as you require. You can also change the INSERTION EFFECTS assigned to “A” or “B” - but please realize that all drum Keys in the kit will reference the same INSERTION “A” and INSERTION “B” Effect you select. (that is, the Insertion Effects you are the ones accessible to all Drums in this Drum Kit should you decide to route the signal there). Each Drum instrument cannot have its own unique INSERTION EFFECT the TYPEs you select are able to be shared by as many drums as you wish to route through them.
What is the ASSIGN Knob 1 assigned to change? - I would not doubt at all that nothing changes - what is it assigned to do? That is a separate issue. We cannot answer that question because you failed to include which Drum Kit you are looking at. If it is still a mystery as to why the ASSIGN 1 Knob does change anything - let us know what KIT it is you are editing or what you assigned as a Destination for the AS1 Knob. It is highly unlikely to have been assigned to change the send level of the individual Drum Key - more likely to increase the overall send level of the entire kit - we cannot be sure. Anyway there are too many possibilities as to what it is assigned to do (there are 101 possible Destination for that assignable KNOB!)
Press [STORE]
Hope that helps. |
Philip B
Total Posts: 43
Joined 08-21-2010 status: Regular |
I have edited power standard Kit 1 by putting phaser in the insertion A. I have used that drum voice in a song . The purpose of this is at a certain point increase the phaser from zero to f.i. 100. So, I fail to make this work. another possibility would be on song mode enter a command at a certain point to change the chorus type to phaser (then for all parts) and further on change it back by a command. Unfortunately I don’t know the command for this control change..... |