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Viewing topic "Strange behavior - system exclusive problem"

Posted on: April 15, 2014 @ 03:52 AM
Total Posts:  5
Joined  04-04-2013
status: Newcomer


Yesterday I was to make controller map on my PCR-300 keyboard to start extensive drive on my Motif-Rack ES. This kind of controller mostly known as good skills of controlling via MIDI. It can send system exclusives bound to rotaries or faders.

I set up the controller to send sysex which drives for example the FEG Sustain for the part or the voice. (this one can’t be set via CC, or I didn’t found in the manual). I tried the sysex code with MIDIOX before, and it was good. When I try to send by the PCR, it won’t work, however I connected via the Studio Manager’s MIDI Thru function, but I used it with MIDIOX too which did work.

The most weird part is when I connecting PCR to MIDIOX, and then MIDIOX thru to Motif. And it’s working. :D Without MIDIOX, nothing happens for the same code.

Is anybody has the same experience? What could be the “magic” in MIDIOX? I didn’t tried to connect PCR directly to the MOTIF, because that case would define that I can’t use the PCR for other purposes.

Thanks for the replies!
Brian Grassfield

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Posted on: April 24, 2014 @ 07:32 AM
Total Posts:  36620
Joined  07-30-2002
status: Moderator

I set up the controller to send sysex which drives for example the FEG Sustain for the part or the voice. (this one can’t be set via CC, or I didn’t found in the manual).

A couple of things in this sentence bother us… first the the System Exclusive message for a PART would/should be different from the System Exclusive message for a VOICE. If you notice in the DATA LIST booklet VOICE System messages are placed separately from those that can be controlled while the Motif-Rack ES is in MULTI PART mode (separate section).

Also, FEG SUSTAIN (sic) is actually referred to as FEG-D2 (or Filter Envelope Generator Decay 2 Time) can be assigned to a CONTROL CHANGE message within the VOICE. So if you can’t get it to work via System Exclusive we recommend just using a simple cc number to get the job done.

Within the VOICE itself you can setup FEG SUSTAIN as the “Destination” parameter within a CONTROL SET.

ELEMENT SWITCH = set for the Elements you want to control
SOURCE = the CC you wish to use, say cc004
DEPTH = the amount of controller movement you wish to use to affect the change you desire.

Just FYI: manipulating the FEG is always at the mercy of the AEG settings. What this means is you can set the FILTER to open after a set amount of time, but if the AEG is not still supporting loudness at that point in time, you will never hear your FILTER movement. Make sense?

So you may want to manipulate AEG-D2 as well, or at least be aware that not all changes in FILTER will be audible if the Amplitude Envelope is not still supporting audio output.

Hope that helps.

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