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Viewing topic "Drumkits in Logic-XS environment ?"

Posted on: December 22, 2013 @ 03:18 PM
Total Posts:  57
Joined  01-08-2009
status: Experienced

Hi all,

first let me say that I am very glad that I finally have things working through USB-MIDI (My Motif XS connected with Mac).

I can use the downloaded Logic-XS enviroment.  To be specific: I work with Logic Express 9,

I have a question:

When I want to choose a drumkit (I mean because for example I like the hihat in that one) I just click on track 10 ( is also midi channel 10) in Logic, and then the pop-up screen appears where you can see and choose one of the various drumkits of the XS.
And yes, I see that track 10 is already assigned (because of the environment-format) to the ‘ Drum kits device’ of the XS

Okay, now imagine I go to track 11, and over there I want to record a snare from another drumkit.
Track 11 is not automatically assigned to the Drum Kit device, so I do that manually. But somehow I cannot choose another Drum Kit Device that will go to channel 11 then. The only option I can choose from is just ‘ 10 Power Standard’ . So no matter what track/drumkit I choose, it all stays on channel 10, so only one kit possible it seems :-(

The question:

How can I (in this environment) still choose other drum kits on different tracks/midi-channels ?

Hope I describe things clear, and else please let me know what more info you need.

To be sure I added a picture of the ‘ problem’

Thanks in advance !

Image Attachments
Logic XS drumtrack.jpg
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Posted on: December 22, 2013 @ 03:54 PM
Total Posts:  1055
Joined  07-01-2013
status: Guru

Hi CJ4ever,

It looks as if a Voice number and Channel number are already dialled in to the left hand panel on the Logic screen you have provided.

(perhaps by someone else since you say you downloaded this environment)

When those settings have been made, Logic tells the Motif to ONLY use that particular drum kit (or voice/perf) on the MIDI channel it is set to, no matter what.

It’s used for choosing and automatically setting the Motif XS up with the exact sounds previously used, but since someone else probably set them, you are locked in to using their choices, but you can change it.

The settings that govern this are labelled as ‘Channel’ and ‘Program’ on that left-hand panel, so in Yamaha terms that would mean your ‘Part’ MIDI Channel and the Voice/Performance number on it.

In the case of this environment, someone has decided that they wanted 4 drum tracks on 21, 22, 23 and 24, ALL set on MIDI Channel 10 (they would all have the same drum kit as a result)

So even if you were to manually change to another drum kit on your Motif, Logic would switch it back to what it was before right away - Logic is in control, basically, because of those settings.

For an additional Logic MIDI track with a different drum kit, you would need to create a new Logic MIDI track and set different ‘Channel’ and ‘Program’ settings on the left-hand panel for the Voice you want to use… or change the same settings on an existing Logic MIDI track.

(Perhaps using MIDI channel 11 if you are not using it already, since it is next in line)

Also, if you simply wish to defeat this control, untick the tick box next to ‘Program’ and manually set up your voices on your Motif XS, making sure you save them or keep a note of what they are.

Hope that helps

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Posted on: December 23, 2013 @ 02:06 AM
Total Posts:  57
Joined  01-08-2009
status: Experienced

Hi Philwoodmusic,

thanks for your reply, it works !!!

Afterwards I now just think like:’ It was that simple, how could I not come up with that’ :-(

It was indeed manually with the left-hand panel with clicking the program-box check,

Anyway thank you for your clear answer !


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Posted on: December 23, 2013 @ 04:49 PM
Total Posts:  1055
Joined  07-01-2013
status: Guru

No worries


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