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Viewing topic "Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth"

Posted on: November 18, 2013 @ 03:55 PM
Michael Trigoboff
Total Posts:  647
Joined  09-05-2011
status: Guru

Is anyone using Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth successfully to hear sound output from Cubase 7?

If so, how do you set this up? Do you need to download entire Voices from the Motif XF to the Cubase machine?

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Posted on: November 04, 2017 @ 12:46 PM
Total Posts:  114
Joined  01-22-2010
status: Pro

I’ve setup the John Melas Total Librarian on my Asus E402s but the Microsoft Wavetable synth seems to be getting in the way of connecting the XS to the Total Librarian.  I have disabled the synth in the Sounds file but the Motif XS is still not be recognized.  Using Windows 10.  It all worked on Windows 7.

Any one having a similar issue and if so were you able to resolve it?


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