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Viewing topic "Difference between buying a full version vs upgrade Cubase 7"

Posted on: November 17, 2013 @ 07:05 PM
Total Posts:  65
Joined  10-05-2013
status: Experienced

I am planning on getting Cubase 7, I would appreciate if somebody could be let me know the difference between an upgrade vs a full version of the same thing?

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Posted on: November 17, 2013 @ 10:23 PM
Total Posts:  1055
Joined  07-01-2013
status: Guru

An upgrade will be cheaper but it depends on what you already own in terms of how much it is going to cost.

The full version will be at the full price.

Cubase 7 comes on 2 disks now, one with the basic install items and one with the Halion Sonic content.

If you bought a full version in a store you would get everything you need in the box including the ELicenser but no core installer, one of the DVDs will guide you to the place to get it online.

Contrary to the common belief that not including the core installer helps stop illegal use, the real reason is that Steinberg would like their users to get the most up to date Cubase possible at the time.

They offer upgrade disks as well as downloadable ISO images with the same full content but they also come without the core installer again.  You would then of course have to update your existing ELicenser as well as getting the installer.

They also offer the regular smaller updates online too (and it is possible that you may have to download one right away, if for example you bought a boxed version in a store and it was not quite the absolute latest version number AND the core installer you downloaded wasn’t either.)

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Posted on: November 18, 2013 @ 08:59 AM
Total Posts:  65
Joined  10-05-2013
status: Experienced
philwoodmusic - 17 November 2013 10:23 PM

An upgrade will be cheaper but it depends on what you already own in terms of how much it is going to cost.

The full version will be at the full price.

Cubase 7 comes on 2 disks now, one with the basic install items and one with the Halion Sonic content.

If you bought a full version in a store you would get everything you need in the box including the ELicenser but no core installer, one of the DVDs will guide you to the place to get it online.

Contrary to the common belief that not including the core installer helps stop illegal use, the real reason is that Steinberg would like their users to get the most up to date Cubase possible at the time.

They offer upgrade disks as well as downloadable ISO images with the same full content but they also come without the core installer again.  You would then of course have to update your existing ELicenser as well as getting the installer.

They also offer the regular smaller updates online too (and it is possible that you may have to download one right away, if for example you bought a boxed version in a store and it was not quite the absolute latest version number AND the core installer you downloaded wasn’t either.)

Thanks but, could you let me know more on what does it mean by a Core Installer?

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Posted on: November 18, 2013 @ 10:00 AM
Total Posts:  1055
Joined  07-01-2013
status: Guru

The core installer is the installer that installs the program itself minus any other content.

The idea behind it is that you should get an up to the minute installation of Cubase.

They are currently around 450mb

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Posted on: November 18, 2013 @ 03:11 PM
Total Posts:  5350
Joined  12-23-2002
status: Guru

Your question could be read another way. Once installed and updated there is no difference between a version produced from an upgrade and a full version purchased from a store. If everything is installed correctly they should be identical.

You can also download the full 7.0 + content installer from the web site, update the dongle license from a previous version to C7 then simply install the latest 7.06 update. It doesn’t have to be complicated and, if you ever have to uninstall and reinstall everything again, that’s the route to follow (minus having to update the license again of course)..............frank

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