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Viewing topic "s90es performances and limitations with arps"

Posted on: March 12, 2013 @ 11:40 PM
Total Posts:  24
Joined  05-01-2006
status: Regular

I am trying to create a performance consisting of 2 voices. The one voice has an arp associated with it(factory voice is called “particle” and is a techno style voice)- and I set it up to use the lower 1/2 of the keyboard. The upper half of the keyboard uses another voice (factory voice PMW lead). If I play 1 note in each zone at the same time and hold both notes ... the arp sounds like it is dropping 1/2 of the notes it is supposed to play and sounds very poor. If I play just 1 note in the lower 1/2 of the keyboard - the arp sounds normal. I was hoping to play both voices at the same time.

Actually - now that I play with it I get a similar unpleasant result if I just play “particle” in voice mode ... and play 2 notes simultaneously and hold the 2 notes. It sounds like it is also dropping many of the arp notes.

Whats going on? - and what are the limitations of using arps? To me is sounds like performance mode is okay for arps with drum voices but nothing else. Is that true??


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Posted on: March 13, 2013 @ 08:08 AM
Total Posts:  36620
Joined  07-30-2002
status: Moderator

Whats going on? - and what are the limitations of using arps? To me is sounds like performance mode is okay for arps with drum voices but nothing else. Is that true??

to me it sounds like you are aware of the Note Limits that tell a Part which notes to sound, but are completely unaware of the Note Limit parameters that limit the control over the arpeggio data. Typical newbie mistake. :-)

There are two NOTE LIMIT parameters you need to concern yourself with when setting up your own Performances:
The PART NOTE LIMIT parameters that set the tone generator limits - every know these, they determine which area of the keyboard sounds for each PART.

Instructions that determine which keys trigger and control the performance of the arpeggios are the ARP NOTE LIMIT. If you have them set so that the right hand area is controlling the left hand’s arp you get the kind of chaos you are currently experiencing.

Press [EDIT]
Press a numbered button [1]-[4] to view PART edit parameters
Press [F1] VOICE
Press [SF3] LIMIT
These are the NOTE LIMITs that determine the range of notes that sound from each PART

Press [COMMON]
Press [F3] ARP
Press [SF3] LIMIT
These are the Note Limits that determine which notes on the keyboard will trigger and control the ARPs

If you don’t set these properly: Chaos.
Set the Note Limit accordingly.

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Posted on: March 14, 2013 @ 04:34 AM
Total Posts:  24
Joined  05-01-2006
status: Regular

That fixed it - thanks.
Does that mean you can effectively only have 1 arp at a time in a performance (since you can only specify 1 range for triggering an arp) ?


PS - I would never have figured this out from the manual or poking around in the menus.

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