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Viewing topic "Using ctrlsets in performance - Help!!!!!"

Posted on: January 18, 2013 @ 06:09 AM
Total Posts:  4
Joined  01-14-2013
status: Newcomer

Dear forum member

The “signal” chain for cc´s in perfomance mode is a little blurred for me.

As I understand it I should set up a ctrlset in the voice - AS1(#11 expression) and then set the as1 to on for that part in perforamnce edit section.

But the #11 does not seem to reach the voice - what am I doing wrong.

The manual is not very clear here (or at all actually)


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Posted on: January 20, 2013 @ 04:10 PM
Total Posts:  4
Joined  01-14-2013
status: Newcomer

I figured it out finally.

The chain is not easy to under stand.

In the common section of the performance AS1 is assigned to CC11

In the part mode and menu for CC´s then CC must be set to [on].
As1 must be set to [on]

In the Voice utility As1 must be assigned to CC11.

In the voice selected for the part you must have a CtrlSet with
AS1(CC11) set to volume and depth set to +18 (or however deep you want the expression to be)

It took quite some time to figure this one out.

But now it works just as I want it.

I use the Motif togetether with my Hammond XB3 and Nord C2d organs and I want the volumen of the sounds in the Motif to follow the expression pedal of the organ.


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