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Viewing topic "Yamaha Apps - Master Mode"

Posted on: October 11, 2012 @ 05:23 PM
Total Posts:  60
Joined  09-02-2012
status: Experienced

The Yamaha iPad apps look great - see - although for some reason they still seem to be only available in the Apple USA Store and not globally?

Anyway, I can’t find an appropriate ‘feedback’ on the Yamaha web, so am posting my plea here in hope that maybe Bad Mister will see some merit and take up the challenge to the right people.

Master mode is one of the best features of the S70/90XS series, and I use it all the time for set lists, including the zone functions as a master controller.

Would love an app that allows editing of the Master Mode -

1) Set up a Master patch, same features as if via synth panel
2) Copy from one Master patch to another - ideally, select multiple patches and paste in one operation to move their position in the bank (eg. this would allow fast re-ordering of a set list)
3) Save Master banks to iPad and, ideally, to iCloud for secure backup
4) Fast load of a Master bank to synth (without having to load synth ALL)


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Posted on: October 16, 2012 @ 12:20 PM
Total Posts:  36620
Joined  07-30-2002
status: Moderator

I have no idea how Apple makes or does not make available Apps globally… and you would be in a better position to take up that battle as (well) they are available in the USA. Sorry. I just don’t know even how to approach that issue.

As to loading MASTERs independent of having to load an ALL file - well, that is not going to happen, as MASTER mode is dependent on the specific data that is in that ALL file.  Say your MASTER program points to a specific SONG MIXING setup (SONG 34), if that Song setup uses USER Voices, and is not in place when you move your MASTER - it will simply point to whatever data is currently in SONG #34 and to whatever VOICES are loaded currently into the slots of the USER bank.

So manipulating MASTERS independent of the data is simply not going to happen without some degree of serendipity. Same is true for loading individual PERFORMANCES - if USER voices are involved you will get a warning messages - yes it loads the data, but it will inform you that USER Voices are involved - at which point you hvae to verify that USER VOICE in the location your PERFORMANCE is pointing to is correct.

If it is not, you must then setup to LOAD Type = “voice” and manually load that Voice to the referenced internal USER location. So if the data is not there you wind up loading it manually anyway.

MASTER programs would be the same thing but involve not only VOICES, but SONGs, PATTERNs, and PERFORMANCEs.

That said, the current solution (and YES, there is a solution) to moving Masters (intelligently) is handled by the John Melas editors - we highly recommend them for owner’s of the S90 XS/S70 XS

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Posted on: October 16, 2012 @ 04:48 PM
Total Posts:  60
Joined  09-02-2012
status: Experienced

Thank you for the explanation, and the link.

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Posted on: October 17, 2012 @ 01:04 PM
Total Posts:  3345
Joined  01-18-2003
status: Guru

As a Motif and S90 XS user, I highly recommend the John Meles Editors. Don’t fool around. Get the Total Library. I can’t imagine working without it. It makes life so good!!!
Just a thought.............

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Posted on: October 17, 2012 @ 08:33 PM
Total Posts:  62
Joined  09-14-2012
status: Experienced

I can’t find the John Meles libraries avail in the US.  where can we buy or download.

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Posted on: October 19, 2012 @ 05:38 PM
Total Posts:  60
Joined  09-02-2012
status: Experienced

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