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Viewing topic "voice mode?"

Posted on: June 24, 2012 @ 09:24 PM
Total Posts:  16
Joined  07-05-2009
status: Regular

im new to using the motif es,but my question is can i take the sounds from voice mode w/effects and transfer them too multi/perf mode?
i notice that some sounds are a lot better with the effects from voice mode
also how can i layer sounds to same midi channel??


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Posted on: June 25, 2012 @ 08:11 AM
Total Posts:  36620
Joined  07-30-2002
status: Moderator

my question is can i take the sounds from voice mode w/effects and transfer them too multi/perf mode?

Yes. However, it will help you to learn about how the EFFECT processors are reallocated when you change from VOICE mode to either PERFORMANCE mode or MULTI mode.

Contrary to wishes for magic to be real, the Motif-Rack ES does not become 16 times more powerful when you place it in MULTI mode. Yes you can access as many as 16 PARTS (1 Voice in each PART) but the effect processors do not multiple by 16. (It would not only be impractical but would not mimic any real world situation either).

In the Motif-Rack ES any 8 PARTS can recall their Dual Insertion Effects from VOICE mode. And each of the 16 PARTS has a SEND amount to the System (Reverb and Chorus) Effects.

INSERTION EFFECTS are those that a musician would use personally. A stomp box on a guitar, a Rotary Speaker for the Organ, etc.
SYSTEM EFFECTS are those that recreate the Room Acoustics - for the environment in which the ‘musicians’ are performing.

In the real world a musician might have a distortion and a wah-wah for their guitar, and the organ player might have his own Rotary Speaker and Overdrive - those are personal effects - routed IN - LINE with their signal. Thus INSERTION EFFECTS>

But all the musician share the same room acoustics. You can send a different amount from each of the 16 Channels.

A PERFORMANCE is just like MULTI mode: Voices are placed in PARTS - only there are just four PARTS all addressed on the same MIDI receive channel so they sound together. All the PARTS of a PERFORMANCE can recall their own Dual Insertion Effects from VOICE mode, and each has a SEND amount to the REVERB and a SEND amount to the CHORUS processor.

i notice that some sounds are a lot better with the effects from voice mode
also how can i layer sounds to same midi channel??


In a PERFORMANCE (designed for splits and layers) all four PARTS are addressed on the same basic MIDI Channel.
In a MULTI (designed for use with a sequencer) - however, you are free to assign the 16 PARTS to any of the 16 MIDI channels as you may require. Layering and splitting them as you may desire.

You can COPY a VOICE from VOICE mode when you are editing a PERFORMANCE or a MULTI.

Please see the following article for details on how to COPY VOICES and deal with the Motif-Rack ES Effects:
Introducing Motif-Rack ES Effects

Hope that helps.

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Posted on: September 06, 2012 @ 06:54 PM
robbie A
Total Posts:  1
Joined  08-29-2012
status: Newcomer

I am unable to access the sounds from my Plug in card (DX) in performance mode. It’s in the correct card slot and I can access all the sounds in voice mode but I want to create performances but it seems the card does not show up as available. What needs to be done to combine card sounds with regular voices in a performance preset? Thank you~

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