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Viewing topic "Motif XS & Logic problems"

Posted on: January 08, 2012 @ 12:43 PM
Total Posts:  6
Joined  03-19-2009
status: Newcomer

I have Logic 9.1.6. and a Motif XS8 connected through firewire. I’ve read the Logic/MLAN tutorial and all the other information I could find but still have the same problems.

When playing on the Motif automatically screensets in Logic are changing, also Logic saves my project or selects different parts of information. It looks only midi control information is captured by Logic, no musical information.

I am able to record midi when using a software instrument within Logic (choosing the software instrument template from the main menu). I can play that software instrument using the Motif.

Also my Motif acts like a soundcard, that part is working fine.

I have no idea how to create the environment (command+8), can anyone post a screenshot of their environment? Yamaha says on its website I should delete the SUM connection and add a connect from Motif port XS:1 and XS:3. I only have ports SUM, MIDI IN, REMOTE and CAPS LOCK KEYBOARD. Does anyone know how I can add these port to the ‘input notes’ in Logic?

A lot of questions, but after 2 weeks of trying and reading tons of information I can’t get any further. Hope anyone can help me.

PS All software is of the latest version, OSX 10.7.2, YSFW 1.7, Logic 9.1.6, all the latest software and firmware for the Motif XS from

I can record audio and midi when I install the DAW Reaper (



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Posted on: February 02, 2012 @ 12:08 AM
Total Posts:  1743
Joined  10-22-2004
status: Guru

Busy month for me, I overlooked your post. Anyway, I’m not sure which tutorial you are referring to but, if you mean this one it is all you need to get you going.

It seems to me that you are not utilizing the ports correctly however, to verify that, I need a lot more information on your setup.

What mode are you in on the XS: song pattern, performance, voice, etc...? Have selected the XS settings as recommended in that tutorial? [UTILITY]> [F1] General > [SF4] Autoload> Set the IEEE1394 Driver parameter to ‘FW’ Press [Store] and confirm. [UTILITY]> [F5] Control> [SF1] Remote, set DAW Type to “Logic”. Press [SF2] MIDI> Interface= mLAN; and set MIDI Sync= MIDI or Auto; Press [Store] to save the settings…

What port are you using within Logic? When you mention create the environment: what track type are you using within Logic? And, did you import the environment that I posted?

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Posted on: February 06, 2012 @ 12:30 PM
Total Posts:  6
Joined  03-19-2009
status: Newcomer


I did use the tutorial you mentioned. Also the other settings (MLAN, Logic, FW and Midi sync) were set correct and stored.

Within Logic I use a port called XS8 Main. I also have ports called XS8 Remote and XS8 Midi but I do not use those. I think the problem is in the environment file and I don’t know if I am using the correct one. Also I read something about deleting the connection between Sum and Input Notes and connecting Main to Input Notes. This has no effect.

I am able to record MIDI using the XS8 and use virtual instruments in Logic but only when the XS8 is transmitting on Midi channel 2-16. On midi channel 1 I get the problems as I described earlier.

I have never been able to play midi files within Logic and use the XS8 as a playback device.

Do you have any clue?


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Posted on: February 06, 2012 @ 01:55 PM
Total Posts:  3022
Joined  01-25-2005
status: Guru

Logic is obviously responding to certain MIDI notes or controllers on channel 1 and interpreting them as system messages of some sort.

Have you used MIDI Learn features of Logic in the past? I would suggest trying to disable or reset any settings defined through learning.

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Posted on: February 06, 2012 @ 02:02 PM
Total Posts:  1743
Joined  10-22-2004
status: Guru

Again that tutorial, followed exactly, should get you up and running, even if you choose not to use the environment I supplied. I would highly recommended starting over at this point, as this is not a difficult thing to get going.

Despite the fact that your link to Yamaha says nothing about Logic, eliminating the sum connection is not needed, nor any other tampering within Logic’s environment. You are probably looking at very dated material.

Since Logic 8, no environment work is necessary other than for those who are determined to use Logic to recall Motif voices. Everything necessary, happens automatically upon choosing the track types…

Also, do you have a good understanding of the Logic track types< i.e., Software Instrument, external MIDI and external instrument?

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Posted on: February 06, 2012 @ 02:50 PM
Total Posts:  6
Joined  03-19-2009
status: Newcomer

I’m going to try all over again from scratch. I’m new to this sort of stuff and in the beginning it looks so overwhelming with so many variables that can go wrong that you lose track. I think I know the differences between all the different track types. I also bought a book from Apple Pro Training Series (Logic Pro and Logic Express). Keep you posted. Thanks for the help anyway!


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Posted on: February 06, 2012 @ 09:54 PM
Total Posts:  1743
Joined  10-22-2004
status: Guru

I would point out that between your first and second post, something positive happened. You went from have some non-sensical ports such as caps lock, SUM, MIDI IN, and REMOTE to the correctly named ports:  XS8 Main, XS8 Remote and XS8 Midi.  The XS8 Remote port as directed in that tutorial will allow the XS to control Logic. The XS MIDI port sends / receives MIDI for any synth, or tone module physically connected to the XS8’s MIDI out Jack / Port…

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