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Viewing topic "Cubase LE 4 Playback"

Posted on: January 18, 2011 @ 12:11 PM
Total Posts:  18
Joined  10-21-2008
status: Regular


Ok here’s the problem: I record a track in Cubase LE 4, then attempt to playback but get no sound nor a reading on the peak meter. BUT, when I save the project, restart cubase and open the file, then the track plays. So, it doesn’t play immediately after you get done recording. I’ve tried this with multiple tracks and whatever track you’ve just recorded doesn’t playback until you save and close/reopen cubase.

A little backround: I just downloaded the Cubase LE 4.1.3 update. I also just downloaded the newest yamaha usb midi driver. I downloaded the studio manager also.

System: Windows Vista 32bit, Yamaha MO6, Presonus Audiobox USB audio interface.

Can anyone help, please!? Thanks!!

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Posted on: January 18, 2011 @ 02:13 PM
Total Posts:  5350
Joined  12-23-2002
status: Guru

It’s possible that it has something to do with your audio interface and its ASIO driver, so you may wish to have a look at the ASIO Control panel, and also change the setting for Release ASIO driver to Background applications....or whatever it’s called in LE.  Other than that, I’m not sure how much help most people can offer because LE4 is basically obsolete and no longer supported, so I’m not sure how many people are still using it. I also know that there were all kinds of problems with it even in later versions of XP when it was combined with new software....................frank

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Posted on: January 18, 2011 @ 02:50 PM
Total Posts:  18
Joined  10-21-2008
status: Regular

Ok thanks! I’ll give that a shot.

Is there a way I can get the AI 5 version? It looks like that’s the latest of basically the watered down free versions of Cubase. I’m new to recording so these are good for me right now to get my chops wet with until I feel comfortable spending on the real thing…

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Posted on: January 18, 2011 @ 04:58 PM
Total Posts:  5350
Joined  12-23-2002
status: Guru

Re. “Is there a way I can get the AI 5 version?”
---The only way to get it is to buy a product that includes a copy. There is no upgrade path even from AI 4 to AI 5. These free, introductory versions are only meant to introduce someone to some of the features of the commercial versions and offer encouragement to buy them. Sometimes one simply has to ‘pay if one wants to play’. :)..............frank

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Posted on: January 19, 2011 @ 11:40 AM
Total Posts:  18
Joined  10-21-2008
status: Regular

Thanks, Frank! Updating the ASIO driver appeared to have worked...atleast for now.

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