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Viewing topic "XS Creator is coming soon"

Posted on: May 31, 2010 @ 09:44 AM
Total Posts:  3022
Joined  01-25-2005
status: Guru

Saw this in the latest newsletter from Chicken Systems (the Translator folks):

Motif Creation
Flip on your TV. Watch the jamming concert. What is the player playing? Inevitably it’s a Yamaha Motif.

Motif’s sound great because they have a great stock set of ROM sounds, but a Motif can go much further by playing sampled sounds too. In fact the Motif XS can handled 1GB of loaded sounds.

We’ve been working on a new product - XS Creatorâ„¢. This enables you to easily create Motif banks with sampled sounds from scratch, or you can add them to existing Banks. This works with ANY Motif format - Classic, ES, or XS. You can also completely view files and their contents and completely edit them.

I’m pretty excited about this, it should make creation of user voices with samples a lot easier.

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