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Viewing topic "Silly Question"

Posted on: May 16, 2010 @ 02:21 AM
Total Posts:  29
Joined  12-23-2004
status: Regular

I purchased Logic Pro 9 and was wondering if the Ultra-beat Plug in was sold separately. Sorry But I cant seem to find it to luanch it in my arrange window. i would like to create some drum patterns using it. I thought it was included in the logic pro 9 studio version.

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Posted on: May 16, 2010 @ 11:53 PM
Total Posts:  17
Joined  02-16-2009
status: Regular

Ultrabeatn is there. All you got to do is create a new software instrument track, then choose the plugin Ultrabeat, you have to click on the audio unit to see the patten of Ultrabeat.  Spend time to play the with the buttons on one software instrument track, it would helps you to understand.
I am not at my Mac at this time. If you still do not know how.  Let me know I can help.

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Posted on: May 18, 2010 @ 02:22 PM
Total Posts:  29
Joined  12-23-2004
status: Regular

Thanks I found it. I forgot to create a software instrument track. It was driving me crazy LOL:)

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