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Viewing topic "Best method to record a 4-bar loop into any DAW"

Posted on: April 09, 2010 @ 08:08 PM
Total Posts:  27
Joined  08-28-2007
status: Regular

Hi all,

I am using logic but i had this same problem using any other DAW. In your opinion what is the best method to record a 4-bar loop into a DAW and be able to repeat the loops with no issues? I usually get clicks and pops when i listen to the continuos loops. Others mentioned I need to use crossfades to fix these issues, but I just wanted to get everyones opinion.

P.S. A lot of people told me to use MIDI instead but I prefer to work with audio. Not really a big fan of MIDI.


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Posted on: April 10, 2010 @ 02:14 AM
Total Posts:  179
Joined  01-25-2009
status: Pro

First make sure your BPM are in sync. what ever BMP the keyboard is in the grid in logic has to match 1 to 1. If you line up the one you should be able to tell visually where the downbeats are… no muss no fuss. What I do is record 12 bars and cut down to the 1-4. If you really have a xs then why don’t you record your loops on the motif and then chain the patterns together. Play back the whole song and record it on your daw. Use the sp/dif
if you can you will get a clean recording

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Posted on: April 10, 2010 @ 02:45 PM
Total Posts:  27
Joined  08-28-2007
status: Regular

Thanks for your response. I do have them synced up. Can you elaborate on what you mean by recording a 12-bar then cutting down to 1-4?

I would love to use the chaining pattern function in the XS which I know how to use, but I need to record every track separately to be able to mix it properly in logic. Maybe I should still be able to do this...never real thought about this one before…

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Posted on: April 13, 2010 @ 01:50 PM
Total Posts:  27
Joined  08-28-2007
status: Regular

responses anyone? :)

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Posted on: April 13, 2010 @ 10:06 PM
Total Posts:  881
Joined  07-27-2003
status: Guru
asalama - 09 April 2010 08:08 PM

Hi all,

P.S. A lot of people told me to use MIDI instead but I prefer to work with audio. Not really a big fan of MIDI.


Do yourself a favor! Make sure you never ever have to say this any longer. get familiar with midi. It looks like a pain but it’s not. You don’t need to be a fan of midi. You must do midi. you have no choice. you will make your life a lot lot lot lot easier.
let me give you a scenario and it’s true ask anyone who knows:
For example you live all the way uptown in new york, and want to go see your friend who lives all the way across town from where you live. you only have enough money for one way. you need to be sure you’re headed the right direction otherwise you’ll be stuck there if any mistake. this is the case when not using midi. you’re stuck and no way back whatsoever.
With midi, you can go and just go happy go lucky. should you ever get lost you can always start all over with the same ticket and try another direction. How many times can you do this? unlimited. Consider midi like your yearly bus or train pass. compared to just one way money transaction. the difference here is both options cost the same, meaning your decision. it’s up to you. which way you want to work.
If you ask me i’ll tell you if you don’t take advantage of midi you’re stupid! plain and simple. so learn midi. you don’t have to be a fan. I don’t mean you’re stupid by the way. do you get my drift? just an encouragement.

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Posted on: April 15, 2010 @ 01:09 AM
Total Posts:  1743
Joined  10-22-2004
status: Guru
asalama - 09 April 2010 08:08 PM

I am using logic but i had this same problem using any other DAW. In your opinion what is the best method to record a 4-bar loop into a DAW and be able to repeat the loops with no issues? I usually get clicks and pops when i listen to the continuos loops. Others mentioned I need to use crossfades to fix these issues, but I just wanted to get everyones opinion.

Asalama, we tried to assist with this when you aksed the exact question regarding Pro tools. You are going to need to revisit what you are doing, because if your are replicating the problem in two divergent DAW’s, it’s human error.

It should not be that big of a deal to create loops.

1) You sync the XS to slave to Logic’s Master clock.

2) Set Logic’s project tempo. 3) Set the XS’ Quick Setup Setting to coorespond with what you are doing.

A) QUICK SEQUENCER SETUP #2- to record the XS’ internal sequencer into Logic or,
B) QUICK SEQUENCER SETUP #3 = Recording on Computer (live playing)
C) QUICK SEQUENCER SETUP #4 = Recording Arps into Logic…

3) As recommended previously, be wary of reverb tails and other effects with long decays. If they continue beyond the end of the measure.

4) You also have the option of using automatic punch in and out to properly set your start and end points.

5) Visually check the audio’s transients in the arrange window or sample editor. If there are any problems areas, (i.e., notes being cutoff or, notes that begin early) feel free to use crossfades the address and resolve…

It’s late but, I don’t think I’ve left anything out…

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