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Viewing topic "MIDI regions whited / greyed out"

Posted on: September 05, 2009 @ 10:34 PM
Total Posts:  18
Joined  07-12-2006
status: Regular

Several of my MIDI regions in Logic are now whited out and don’t play. However, the if I click on a note in Logic’s piano roll, it plays! Anyone help here? 

Here’s what may have lead up to it, I was recording MIDI into Logic.  I had several tracks laid down - then I did something not too smart and pulled the USB cable out of my Motif ES while Logic was still running.  I am fairly sure that’s when they turned from the standard green to a white shaded color.

After reconnecting the USB cable, I’ve tried rebooting both the Motif and Mac but still not working.  Also copied the MIDI regions to a new song - they are still whited out.

Any suggestions here?

(I am using a MOTIF ES and Logic Pro 8.0.2)

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Posted on: September 06, 2009 @ 02:01 AM
Total Posts:  1743
Joined  10-22-2004
status: Guru

It sounds like they are merely muted. You may have pressed ‘M’ by accident while the region was highlighted. Highlight any and all affected regions and press the ‘M’ key again…

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Posted on: September 06, 2009 @ 12:20 PM
Total Posts:  18
Joined  07-12-2006
status: Regular

Thanks Motif8.  That was the problem!

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