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Viewing topic "Need Help with Memory"

Posted on: June 02, 2009 @ 10:19 PM
Total Posts:  29
Joined  02-24-2005
status: Regular

I play live and currently have 30 sequenced Songs in Song Allfile. Of course I am now getting the Sequencer Memory issue and am wondering:

1. How do I take a song from an All File to just Song so that I can load each seperately? Man, I need step by step directions because I’m not the most literate when it comes to this stuff.

2. Once I do this how would you suggest I create a list of songs when I’m playing out? If I want a specific 40 songs out of the 60 I’ve saved, how should I create a list for them? Again, this brother needs step by step directions.....

3. Is the Sequencer Memory basically endless if I save the files in a different fashion?

4. Someone before had suggested doing multiple All Song Files. Is this a better option? If so, can someone guide me on how to do this?

I REALLY appreciate the help from this Forum. I’ve deleted the AutoSongs, so I’ve already crossed that path.

Thanks again,


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Posted on: June 03, 2009 @ 11:58 AM
Total Posts:  2688
Joined  03-07-2008
status: Guru

If you are using a standard set of voices across all your songs then ALL SONG files are much faster to load than ALL files. ALL SONG files do not contain Voice data (I believe), but they do contain all the MIX setup (which voice number is allocated to which track and so on) so if you have created custom voices in the USR bank then you will need to use ALL files or combine ALL VOICE with ALL SONG files, loading them in pairs, (in which case just using ALL files are probably less confusing and easier.)

To load a single song from an ALL file, in [File] mode, select the ‘Load’ tab and set the file type to ‘Song’. In the right hand side of the screen, select your ALL file and press ‘Enter’. It should open up like a folder, and inside you can select which individual song to load from all the ones saved in the file.

You should read through the ‘File Mode’ section of the ES Manual - it starts on Page 266 and this will give you an idea of what tools are available to you.

The sequencer memory is a fixed size and can contain up to approximately 226,000 notes (using Control data such as pitch bend, aftertouch etc. will reduce this number). You can load and save individual or groups of songs into it at will. The number of songs you can have ready to access is only limited by the capacity of your Smart Media or USB storage (and for Song files that’s more than you’ll ever need as they are so small and fast to load).

You are asking for step by step instructions, but really you will have to do some reading and experimentation to become familiar with the ES otherwise you will find yourself confused by the basics on an ongoing basis. There is no substitute for spending some time and trying stuff out!


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Posted on: June 03, 2009 @ 02:26 PM
Total Posts:  29
Joined  02-24-2005
status: Regular

Thank you for your help.

OK, one last question: let’s say I’ve done everything I can to save as much memory as possible (delete Pattern unused Pattern User phrases.......) and I am at 226,000 notes. What would someone suggest I do from there to still be able to synchronize songs? Is this the end of the line for what I can synch and save or can I go to a keep synching new songs.

I’d love to spend more time with the ES, but I travel a lot and have 3 year old twins when I get home. I’m also playing live in a 2-piece and trying to keep up with synching songs for us. At 43 years of age, I’m not interested in carrying drums and a big PA anymore........

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Posted on: June 03, 2009 @ 03:02 PM
Total Posts:  2688
Joined  03-07-2008
status: Guru

I wouldn’t get the memory that full in the first place.

Consider this: if you only ever have, say, 10 songs in the sequencer (or fewer if they are complex songs… in fact I tend to use ONE song per file!), save them as ALL SONG files regularly while you are working on them, then when you have finished you have an ALL SONG file containing 10 songs.

At that point, delete ALL the songs from the sequencer memory (this can be done in Job mode) and start afresh with a new set.

As long as you keep everything saved, you’ll end up with a number of ALL SONG files on your storage media (USB or Smart Media) and you can easily load any one in very quickly.

The key here is that the sequencer memory should not be considered as an alternative to storage. It’s for the ‘working area’ whether ‘working’ means ‘playback’ or ‘creation’. Why bother to fill up the sequencer memory when you can just save and load what you need so fast to/from USB or Card?


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Posted on: June 04, 2009 @ 03:03 PM
Total Posts:  29
Joined  02-24-2005
status: Regular

Dreamflight I really appreciate your help. I will get out the manual and read the section you suggested and your right, I just need to play with it. Take care.

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Posted on: June 04, 2009 @ 10:52 PM
Total Posts:  2688
Joined  03-07-2008
status: Guru

You’re welcome :)


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