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Viewing topic "Apeggio Hold with an external controller"

Posted on: March 10, 2009 @ 03:46 AM
Total Posts:  33
Joined  01-18-2009
status: Regular

Hi I have a MO6 that I have had for a very short time. I am trying to use a Roland RD-300s as a controller for it. The problem I am having is getting the arpeggio to stay on when I release the keys of the controller.
Arps will hold when triggered from the Mo but not from the RD-300s.
I was trying to get it to work in both voice and performance mode. But I just cant figure it out. I’ve searched the archives most of the night as well as the manual but can’t figure out what I’m missing.
I am really new to keyboards and midi.
Any help here would be welcomed greatly.

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Posted on: March 12, 2009 @ 10:43 PM
Total Posts:  33
Joined  01-18-2009
status: Regular

Still trying.....
I have tried PF Copy to pattern/Song. Again I can trigger the arps, and have them stay on when I release the keys on my MO6.
The external controller (rd-300s) will trigger the arps but they won’t stay on when I release the keys.

I have no problems playing sounds in all modes with the controller. So I would assume that connections are correct. Midi out of controller to midi in on the MO.

Am I trying the impossible? Or could it be a compatibility issue with such an old controller. (20 years).

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