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Viewing topic "Using Phones Output for monitoring"

Posted on: March 09, 2009 @ 05:41 AM
Total Posts:  91
Joined  01-29-2007
status: Experienced

Hi guys,

here is the question: I have left and right output connected to church soundsystem. I’d like to use phones output for monitoring purposes for choir. What cable (mono/stereo, balanced/unbalanced) should I use to get both channels into monitor?

Thanks a lot

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Posted on: March 09, 2009 @ 10:29 AM
Total Posts:  680
Joined  06-16-2006
status: Guru

Headphone output is unbalanced.

You would need to go to a mixer with them to do a summing thing, I wouldn’t put them together mechanically. Or each side could go to its own powered monitor.

Doesn’t your church mixer have sends or a jack to get a direct line from a channel? That would be my first choice.

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Posted on: March 09, 2009 @ 11:46 AM
Total Posts:  36620
Joined  07-30-2002
status: Moderator

The headphone output is stereo (naturally) so you need a 1/4” TRS male connector on one end that splits to two mono 1/4” TS male connectors on the other. The headphone output can be used but be careful gain staging it into whatever you plan to plug it. Its level will be controlled by the the main Volume slider (same as the main L&R;Outputs).

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Posted on: March 11, 2009 @ 10:10 AM
Total Posts:  91
Joined  01-29-2007
status: Experienced

Thank you Tacman7 and Bad_Mister for replay. Now, what would happen if I
just use TS connector on both sides (MO6 and Monitor)? Does it mean, that
both chanels will be connected mechanicaly? Will I hear both chanels in

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Posted on: March 11, 2009 @ 11:07 AM
Total Posts:  680
Joined  06-16-2006
status: Guru

By mechanical connection I mean hooking the left and right output together. I don’t know if that would hurt anything but generally it’s not a good thing to hook the output of two amplifiers together.

So if you got the cord BM suggested and if your monitor has two bridged inputs, you would be connecting the channels together by plugging in both outputs.

You think the people really need both channels?

Have you tried listening to just one side?

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