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Viewing topic "I need instructional book/DVD etc for voice edit"

Posted on: March 05, 2009 @ 02:18 PM
Total Posts:  8
Joined  03-03-2009
status: Newcomer

So, rather than asking questions that have been asked before (even though I can’t find them with a search), can anyone point me to a GOOD book or DVD that teaches me:

1 - How to edit a voice - I mean properly - somehow with the Yamaha Studio Connections MO Voice editor, I can’t seem to find (and edit) all the voice parameters, such as each source wav rom that is used and all of the other stuff :o( ... is it there? I’ve tried and tried but can’t find it.

2 - How to properly use Studio Connections to set up my MO so that in song mode :
2.1 - I can set up selected track with a preset voice from the MO - (this I already know how to do)
2.2 - I can set up selected tracks with a custom voice - whether it’s a preset voice that I’ve tweaked(I know how to do this), or something that I’ve created from scratch.  Do I really have to store all my own voices in USER xx first then just have the Studio Connections say use voice ‘User xx’ ?  I thought the Idea of Studio Connections is it can dump all the voice data into some User spaces?  maybe I assume this incorrectly…

I don’t expect you to answer these questions here, just, if you know of something, just to recommend a book or two that can answer these kind of questions as I can’t find them in the manuals for MO or Studio Connections :o(



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Posted on: March 05, 2009 @ 04:11 PM
Total Posts:  36620
Joined  07-30-2002
status: Moderator

“So, rather than asking questions that have been asked before (even though I can’t find them with a search)”

The Search engine should get up and running here on Motifator 3.0 in short order… it is really not up to full capacity yet. Standby....

“ ...can anyone point me to a GOOD book or DVD that teaches me:

1 - How to edit a voice - I mean properly - somehow with the Yamaha Studio Connections MO Voice editor, I can’t seem to find (and edit) all the voice parameters, such as each source wav rom that is used and all of the other stuff :o( ... is it there? I’ve tried and tried but can’t find it.”

The first reference should be the MO Editor’s ON LINE Manual - when you have the MO VOICE Editor open click on HELP > MANUAL - Starting on page 18 is a guide to how to find all the parameters you have yet to find. On the VOICE EDITOR’s main screen you will see the four possible Elements (Yamaha-speak for the 4 multi-samples that can make up a Voice). They are listed under ELEMENT as EL1, EL2, EL3 and EL4. If active the ON button next to them will show “ON”.

If you click on the EL1 button, for example, it will open that Elements details, incluing the “source wav” and give you all its contributions to the Voice (velocity range, Note range, Filter, EQ, and the PITCH/FILTER/AMPLITUDE Envelopes…

Any button labeled “DETAIL” will open more parameters.

“2 - How to properly use Studio Connections to set up my MO so that in song mode :
2.1 - I can set up selected track with a preset voice from the MO - (this I already know how to do)
2.2 - I can set up selected tracks with a custom voice - whether it’s a preset voice that I’ve tweaked(I know how to do this), or something that I’ve created from scratch.  Do I really have to store all my own voices in USER xx first then just have the Studio Connections say use voice ‘User xx’ ?  I thought the Idea of Studio Connections is it can dump all the voice data into some User spaces?  maybe I assume this incorrectly…”

Yes, you do have to store Voices you edited from scratch to a USER location.

We are in the process of porting the Behind the Manual documents from Motifator 2.0 to the new site - Studio Connections in concept is that you can manage the Preset and User Voice library in your MO so that it is accessible when you recall a Project in your DAW. Studio Manager actually stores all the information you have in your MO - which includes the current MIXING setup, and it can keep all the USER Voices (Voices you have made from scratch or that you have tweaked)… it is a Bulk manager. You can request it to RECEIVE and archive all the data that is [STORED] in your MO… However, it can only keep data that you have STORED.

The MO Editor (VOICE) is for creating and customizing your MO Library.
The MO Editor (MULTI) is for working with the MIXING setup, it also can IMPORT your curren MO Voice Library. This way it can be up-to-date with the Voice you have customized.

You must be diligent in keeping your MULTI-PART Editor current. You do so by IMPORTING the current library or by receiving a bulk (Receive Voice Bulk).

Hope that helps.

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