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Viewing topic "MO6/8 Cubase ---- Script file?????"

Posted on: February 27, 2009 @ 03:43 PM
Total Posts:  5
Joined  02-27-2009
status: Newcomer

I was wondering about the script file for the mo6/8. My question is where can I find it? I have looked all over the net with no luck. I also heard that the motif ES and the Mo6/8 have the same engine. Would the script file for the motif ES work for the Mo6/8. Thanks

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Posted on: February 27, 2009 @ 07:50 PM
Total Posts:  5
Joined  02-27-2009
status: Newcomer

Ok I am back to answer my own question and possibly help others.

First, there is no script for the Mo6/8 in cubase so stop looking. The motif ES script is not the same for the Mo6/8.

bummer right....... wrong!!!

“STUDIO CONNECTIONS” software is the answer. To get it go here -

It work like a VST or “OPT” plug in or standalone.You get full accsess to the keyboard.

“Studio Connections” is a joint project lead by Steinberg and Yamaha the aim of Studio Connections is quite simply to offer a more convenient environment that will make using hardware and software easier. The first Phase of Studio Connections was Studio Connections “Recall”, Audio Integration is Phase II.

Audio Integration allows you to use a Studio Manager Component (software editors) as a VST instrument or a VST effect by using the “External Instrument” function which is new to CubaseSX3.1/Nuendo3.1.

By selecting a hardware synthesizer or an effect Processor on the software, you can use it just like software plug-in.

Output of the hardware synthesizer is set up on the Audio mixer in realtime, and you can not only apply the audio effect but use unique audio functions such as mix down or freeze.

Well I hope this answers any questions. Thanks

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