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sticky controling the motif es rack with my cp4 17910 7 10/23/2016 01:38 PM by 5pinDIN
sticky Emergency! (Bulk dump) how to… 17588 9 09/18/2016 11:41 PM by k9lbk9lb
sticky Motif Rack: “Unsplitting” the PRE1… 16914 4 09/10/2016 04:52 AM by J1000
sticky PLG150-AN in Motif Rack 18408 3 08/22/2016 01:28 PM by dluther
sticky Bass sounds buzzing 11975 0 12/26/2015 09:14 PM by Manner
sticky Motif XS Rack Cubase Key 16078 1 10/09/2015 07:52 PM by meatballfulton
sticky Steel Drum Voice Turns Sour After Saving 15606 1 09/19/2015 12:10 AM by tonygardner
sticky Need Help with MIDI Commands to Send from Arturia… 16759 2 08/18/2015 08:35 PM by meatballfulton
sticky Preserving voice effects in multi mode? 15387 8 08/18/2015 01:28 PM by 5pinDIN
sticky Kurweil PC 88 stopped controlling motif rack 14679 2 08/04/2015 04:51 AM by Koolkat
sticky Motif Rack does not power up after being shipped… 10624 0 06/21/2015 04:05 AM by stevehdj
sticky Dyno Straight voice 15081 2 04/28/2015 12:36 PM by sagetunes
sticky Motif Rack with M-Audio Axiom 2nd gen 11948 0 10/15/2014 08:41 AM by picur8572
sticky Multi question- is it possible to create assignable… 11582 0 08/18/2014 04:47 PM by 11angel11
sticky Newbie Questions - Saving presets from expert… 11287 0 08/14/2014 01:08 PM by jedmusic
sticky Distortion issue 13470 1 08/13/2014 03:49 PM by
sticky Split volume control in Motif Rack 13743 2 05/27/2014 10:16 AM by
sticky Yamaha PLG-150 AP Review 10434 0 04/10/2014 11:32 AM by RockPianoman
sticky Motif Midi in doesnt work…. Please help!… 13432 2 03/19/2014 06:03 AM by felx256
sticky Midi keyboard controller for Motif Rack 10488 0 02/19/2014 02:08 PM by jkbm
sticky controller volume fader is changing multi parts… 9597 0 02/08/2014 04:24 PM by harleybaxter
sticky Motif Rack/CP4 question 14787 5 12/05/2013 06:08 PM by jamesewells
sticky Wanted: broken Motif Rack for parts 9866 0 11/11/2013 12:45 PM by dluther
sticky PLG check 13205 7 09/17/2013 01:22 PM by Bad_Mister
sticky Old Motif Rack giving me some USB attitude! 15062 6 05/27/2013 01:22 AM by Vaucluse84
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