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sticky Help with SysEx command to change Banks on S90… 10170 2 12/29/2012 04:30 PM by om1962
sticky S90 trouble selecting banks in SEQ PLAY mode 9964 1 12/29/2012 12:08 AM by om1962
sticky Trouble selecting banks other than GM on S90 10353 8 12/28/2012 08:15 PM by om1962
sticky Logic Express 9 & Motif ES7 Sheet Music 9905 2 12/09/2012 09:41 PM by kevin
sticky Logic 9 & Motif ES Rack Multi 10623 3 12/09/2012 12:29 PM by Bad_Mister
sticky Motif 6 and MLAN solutions 5970 0 12/02/2012 04:03 PM by djackson362
sticky What am I doing Wrong??? 8074 2 11/20/2012 10:07 AM by Bad_Mister
sticky Motif XF 7 controller weirdness 7743 2 11/14/2012 05:26 PM by Mantra
sticky Is it possible record MIDI takes in take folders… 7794 1 10/31/2012 05:11 PM by Vertical
sticky Multi-mode settings 8010 2 10/31/2012 12:29 PM by hyland
sticky Unable to locate Motix xs7 FW16E card in Audio… 8884 4 10/09/2012 05:20 PM by ramunas
sticky Logic messes up my midi files 8992 1 07/25/2012 02:03 PM by Bad_Mister
sticky Why cant i record my motif play into logic???HELP… 18729 19 07/06/2012 02:39 PM by motif8mine
sticky Logic Pro 9 recording question 9311 5 06/22/2012 12:27 PM by Nokternul Phi Delity
sticky Logic 9 set up with motif xs8 10175 2 06/20/2012 11:51 AM by motif8mine
sticky Logic Pro and Motix XF with FW16E needs help 9222 7 06/20/2012 11:29 AM by motif8mine
sticky Logic with Motif XF and FW16E 9773 4 06/07/2012 09:36 PM by lordsdigital
sticky Logic 9 and Motif XS lags while turning knobs 8913 2 04/13/2012 12:32 PM by motif8mine
sticky MOTIF XS LOGIC 9 SETUP 10680 9 03/24/2012 11:43 AM by maxx7650
sticky Recording sequencer-to-sequencer in Logic 8 9476 5 03/21/2012 02:02 PM by omar17166
sticky Trouble Setting Up Motif XF6 as External MIDI… 8270 1 03/19/2012 07:24 PM by motif8mine
sticky Running traditional Midi (5pin DIN) and USB Midi… 8646 3 03/19/2012 07:19 PM by motif8mine
sticky Main Stage 8686 4 03/15/2012 05:09 AM by Darren_H
sticky performance librarian functions for MOX—how… 7884 2 03/11/2012 06:33 PM by microgreg
sticky Motif XS & Logic problems 10342 6 02/06/2012 09:54 PM by motif8mine
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