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sticky I need to insert an effect to a single midi track… 11852 8 03/09/2016 12:32 PM by frankE
sticky Activating / Deactivating Real time audio… 11830 11 02/20/2016 05:00 AM by lovemotif
sticky $9.99 Update to AI8 (limited time) 11621 1 02/20/2016 04:54 AM by lovemotif
sticky Scrip files 11409 1 01/31/2016 03:10 PM by nbadesign
sticky Synchronise Cubase 7 and Mox f6 8014 0 01/29/2016 03:10 PM by
sticky Windows 10, Cubase 8.5 Pro, Audio Glitches 13000 11 01/12/2016 11:39 PM by 5pinDIN
sticky Randomize tempo 11567 1 01/09/2016 12:43 PM by meatballfulton
sticky Cubase AI 8 vs Cubase Elements 8 17886 4 01/01/2016 06:01 AM by yamanord
sticky Musical Mode Mystery 11016 10 12/21/2015 01:21 AM by 5pinDIN
sticky Cubase Pro 8.5 compatibility with Yamaha gear 10651 1 12/16/2015 05:22 PM by nbadesign
sticky Normalizing Audio 18768 27 11/23/2015 08:52 PM by 5pinDIN
sticky “Audio recording aborted. The Disk is full!”… 16002 2 11/22/2015 11:49 PM by MOHawk
sticky 01x-ES7-Cubase 6.5 10091 2 11/21/2015 09:25 PM by mustbthemix
sticky Editing audio and audio quality 9747 1 11/15/2015 09:17 PM by philwoodmusic
sticky Toggle between used automations in C8 9736 1 11/08/2015 05:31 PM by el-Odysseas
sticky Cubase/XS Recording puzzle . . . . need help… 11310 4 11/01/2015 12:45 AM by kabuchi
sticky New computer, old cubase AI 4… 9915 3 10/21/2015 10:20 AM by frankE
sticky MIDI Events vs. Automation? 9576 3 10/02/2015 10:33 AM by frankE
sticky Record Karma motif perfomances in Cubase 8 ?render… 10473 1 09/20/2015 09:00 AM by hyland
sticky How To “Track Out” XF Tracks into… 9632 2 08/21/2015 03:54 PM by dlundy1
sticky n12 + Yosemite + Cubase 6 9564 1 08/19/2015 10:55 PM by keith.roche
sticky <delete> 6900 0 07/22/2015 11:06 PM by meatballfulton
sticky Can’t Hear Uploaded Song 9479 2 07/10/2015 06:23 PM by sizz333
sticky Cubase Forward, Reverse Transport Commands Do… 6774 0 07/05/2015 04:21 PM by Michael Trigoboff
sticky MOXF8 & Cubase Elements 8 9905 1 06/22/2015 10:00 AM by Wellie
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