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sticky Plg150-AN custom voices 4430 4 06/08/2024 05:48 AM by dekiciric
sticky Plug-In Boards Compatibility Options 25402 12 05/10/2024 01:00 PM by - Henry -
sticky VL board better on es7 or mu128? 27582 10 05/10/2024 10:35 AM by - Henry -
sticky accompanying software 7159 8 02/22/2024 10:28 AM by rs.felicio
sticky DX Simulator Software - latest from 2005 12987 5 01/29/2024 06:23 PM by manpaz
sticky Motif 6/PLG150-AN help.. !! 4802 3 12/26/2023 03:26 PM by - Henry -
sticky Convert EX5 sounds to Motif se 7277 1 02/12/2023 01:24 PM by - Henry -
sticky PLG150-AN not working properly 4329 0 06/29/2022 04:44 AM by ravinella
sticky What is/are the main piano(s) from the PLG-150-PF?… 5536 1 05/10/2022 06:01 AM by - Henry -
sticky PLG100-SG Formant Singing Plug-in Card 19324 2 01/30/2022 11:25 PM by KJX Keyboard Jedi
sticky PLG150-AN original software 9746 6 06/27/2021 10:33 AM by misterflibble
sticky PLG150-DX SYSEX patches (dump?) 21457 6 01/21/2021 07:52 PM by djfilippo
sticky VL Editor 1.2.2 7944 0 07/26/2020 07:49 PM by Fracto
sticky For Sale: mLan16e2 firewire card 21618 3 06/23/2019 05:54 AM by tripstation
sticky Motif Rack + two PLG VL cards - playback problem… 13774 2 03/02/2019 03:03 PM by javelin276
sticky Can’t store PLG150-AN User Patches 23221 5 02/10/2019 02:25 PM by radiopro
sticky PLG150 Instrument Defenition file INS 12386 3 02/10/2019 08:25 AM by radiopro
sticky Dexed to interact with PLG-150 DX 18000 3 02/03/2019 06:17 AM by radiopro
sticky WTB: FW16E 8684 0 01/09/2019 03:42 PM by onehat
sticky Cubase midi device files for PLG boards 12241 1 01/01/2019 05:41 PM by leachn1
sticky PLG DX Board in a Motif ES Rack 15733 3 06/24/2018 09:30 AM by 5pinDIN
sticky PLG150-AN Expert Editor 1.2.2 - Where? 25226 3 03/18/2018 07:52 AM by digitalperformer7
sticky UPGRADING MU2000 TO EX 16086 1 10/25/2017 11:38 AM by javelin276
sticky Request: PLG150-VL Visual Editor MacOS version… 16851 2 10/18/2017 10:22 AM by wavesequence
sticky Editors for the PLG cards -SQ01 and SOL2 and XG-Works… 20288 2 10/08/2017 12:59 PM by - Henry -
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