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sticky Rack es ans es6 patch transfer? 7190 1 11/30/2011 10:41 AM by Bad_Mister
sticky The Motifator Shop not working for me - where… 7263 1 11/27/2011 02:28 PM by Bad_Mister
sticky changes octaves on parts 6789 3 11/26/2011 03:04 PM by Bad_Mister
sticky MOTIF ES Rack and MOTIF Rack 6821 1 11/11/2011 03:22 PM by Bad_Mister
sticky Rack Editors - After install on Windows 7, no… 8068 3 10/28/2011 01:11 PM by Bad_Mister
sticky Perf mode foot switch turn on a voice ? 8403 3 10/11/2011 10:26 AM by Bad_Mister
sticky Controlling performance part volume with nonstandard… 6359 1 10/01/2011 01:12 AM by MrWhiteKeys
sticky Using an external Midi controller to select user… 8008 2 09/29/2011 10:24 PM by MrWhiteKeys
sticky Removing incorrect editor versions? 7004 3 09/27/2011 12:13 PM by MrWhiteKeys
sticky Using my MOTIF RACK ES with my controller keyboard… 13899 10 09/14/2011 09:26 PM by Stevehwan
sticky Changing arp with external controller 6426 1 08/31/2011 08:20 AM by Bad_Mister
sticky Is the Orchestra’le voice library compatible… 4605 0 08/29/2011 11:09 PM by chayimlife
sticky VST Expression Map 7364 1 08/17/2011 10:24 AM by Bad_Mister
sticky MOTIf ES vs Motif Rack, difference for bass 4538 0 08/05/2011 11:27 AM by okdk
sticky Artikulation library - will it work OK without… 4211 0 08/01/2011 09:33 PM by joek1000
sticky Need help loading voices 7004 3 07/21/2011 05:35 PM by Derek Cook
sticky Arp not Arping. Need help. 6450 3 07/13/2011 09:51 AM by Stevee00
sticky Motif Rack USB Windows7 7902 2 07/07/2011 05:14 PM by stibi
sticky Init Voice after transmitting new voices 5731 1 07/05/2011 07:12 PM by Ice9ine
sticky changing to next multi with a foot-controller 7472 2 07/02/2011 03:23 PM by pianomartin
sticky Using my motif ES Rack with an old midi controller… 8284 3 07/02/2011 02:54 PM by pianomartin
sticky How to make Multi side come up at start up 6056 2 06/30/2011 05:20 PM by danbrown88
sticky Midi in Pro Tools 7491 3 06/29/2011 03:18 PM by Bad_Mister
sticky How to turn off some midi channels in multi-mode??… 5295 1 06/22/2011 09:20 PM by neilrut
sticky Problem with Multi Part Editor 6399 1 05/30/2011 07:24 PM by Bad_Mister
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