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sticky All Song File Issue 6187 0 10/23/2014 01:13 PM by Steve Pas
sticky Problems with sustain pedal 18790 5 10/22/2014 07:25 PM by 5pinDIN
sticky Conecting MOX6 to an iPad 4 (Lightning) 7875 2 10/19/2014 11:04 AM by XYZA1
sticky MOX 6 has high pitched hum via USB 10884 7 10/16/2014 12:03 PM by autowah
sticky playing a GM/XG midi file back in the MO8 7496 2 10/14/2014 03:52 AM by ememej
sticky Surely the MO8 sounds better than this??… 8025 2 09/13/2014 04:10 AM by ememej
sticky Loading MO6 perf patches into MOTIF ES 7 7914 1 08/20/2014 12:38 AM by stoneb3
sticky Create continuous data issue 7840 1 08/04/2014 11:11 AM by Themora
sticky Studio One software 7897 2 07/23/2014 08:52 AM by cindyb
sticky Saving sounds and loading sounds 7896 1 07/14/2014 06:40 PM by stoneb3
sticky Recording interface for MO6 digital out 5745 0 07/06/2014 05:44 PM by skintner
sticky USB Flash Problem 8350 7 07/03/2014 09:08 AM by kevinb
sticky Yamaha Synthesizer Hang Time with Tony Escueta… 5697 0 06/23/2014 12:15 AM by Tones
sticky Connect MO8 to Mac? 8184 3 06/12/2014 10:34 PM by meatballfulton
sticky Instrument Definitions for MO8 13003 6 06/11/2014 11:16 PM by dovima77
sticky selling my s90xs, excellent condition. 5713 0 06/10/2014 09:23 PM by nysessions
sticky MO6/8 instrument definitions for Cakewalk… 5939 0 06/09/2014 08:06 PM by dovima77
sticky Drum volume issue 7485 2 05/14/2014 09:10 AM by dcool
sticky No MIDI playback on MO6 from Reaper. 8089 1 05/14/2014 07:35 AM by Bad_Mister
sticky Downloading sounds from one MO 8 to another 8146 1 05/08/2014 12:52 PM by Bad_Mister
sticky Mo6: Sound problem in song mode 8855 10 05/04/2014 07:50 PM by Bad_Mister
sticky note editor 7879 2 05/03/2014 03:25 PM by talkingrocker
sticky Standard GM Drums from Motif Classic to MO6 8053 5 05/02/2014 09:43 PM by eziobkey
sticky Create use ARP as bender control 7284 3 04/28/2014 09:36 AM by dcool
sticky os version and usb midi instalation fail 7712 2 04/10/2014 08:58 PM by rm4k
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