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sticky “Port Open Error” when Adding more… 7360 0 04/18/2020 12:49 PM by Kkarlv
sticky Updating Firmware on Motif XS-Rack with OSX and… 10325 1 03/31/2020 09:49 PM by 5pinDIN
sticky Bass clarinet patch? 10789 2 01/24/2020 03:51 AM by RP3110
sticky Weird output from rack XS via headphones 10646 3 01/23/2020 07:03 PM by RP3110
sticky MOXF6 Sequencer Problem 10000 1 01/22/2020 12:51 PM by 5pinDIN
sticky Motif XS Rack’s setting program on Windows??… 10486 1 12/09/2019 08:37 AM by 5pinDIN
sticky How can I load MIDI loop libraries in Motif XS… 10051 1 11/27/2019 08:30 AM by 5pinDIN
sticky Motif Rack XS 7530 0 10/08/2019 06:40 AM by francistar
sticky XS Rack Locking Up, and inconsistent Windows 10… 10474 1 09/05/2019 09:47 AM by 5pinDIN
sticky Making the USB device name persistent in WIndows… 7770 0 07/20/2019 10:00 PM by buckyswider
sticky Opening S70xs multis in Motif Rack 7369 0 07/18/2019 04:46 PM by 123som
sticky Rack cycling through sounds by itself 10221 1 07/01/2019 09:08 AM by - Henry -
sticky ARP & Key Mode - Direct 11684 3 03/27/2019 05:22 AM by 5pinDIN
sticky how to change pitchbend’s semitone? 11761 1 01/15/2019 08:53 AM by 5pinDIN
sticky Replacing Encoder Knobs 11948 2 01/08/2019 02:20 PM by caludaj
sticky Motif Rack XS Multi Mode Volume Problem 11492 3 01/03/2019 03:12 PM by 5pinDIN
sticky Live changing of volume of parts of a Multi program… 11492 1 11/27/2018 09:42 AM by 5pinDIN
sticky Fly in Gigs… so: XF to Rack XS? 12842 4 09/03/2018 12:34 AM by EricMonroe
sticky Windows 10 Driver for MOTIF RACK ES Tone Generator… 15954 1 08/27/2018 12:17 PM by 5pinDIN
sticky Help with starting XS in user bank mode and other… 12576 3 08/07/2018 07:34 AM by 5pinDIN
sticky FW Bus disabled after Win 10 update 8573 0 08/03/2018 12:55 PM by azprinter
sticky Rack XS Arppegiator question 11696 2 07/29/2018 07:58 AM by daddyrnr
sticky Using the rack with both midi and usb 11909 1 07/02/2018 08:29 PM by 5pinDIN
sticky XS rack editor save user voice banks 12054 3 06/26/2018 12:29 PM by 5pinDIN
sticky PLaykey 80’s sets 1 and 2 Motif XS compared… 11588 1 06/20/2018 08:57 AM by 5pinDIN
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