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Viewing topic "Sounds not playing but drums in pattern mode plays"

Posted on: June 13, 2024 @ 03:27 PM
Total Posts:  41
Joined  03-15-2004
status: Regular

Hello everyone. I seem to have a serious problem where I turn on my keyboard and no matter which patches I select from the preset bank or the user bank there is no sound. I played all the keys from top to bottom. However when I enter pattern mode I can press play and the drums for one of my pattern plays but not the other sounds from the other 15 tracks in the pattern. I already did a restore using an x3a file I saved previously but it doesn’t solve the problem. Any advice?

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Posted on: June 13, 2024 @ 08:58 PM
- Henry -
Total Posts:  237
Joined  10-30-2011
status: Enthusiast


Disregarding some serious malfunction, there could be two different things going on here. There are other settings that could be in play too, but these would be my first suspects to check:

First off, the keyboard can be disconnected from the internal tone generator using the Local Control parameter (Utility Mode -> [F5] Control -> [SF2] MIDI). Turning this parameter off is handy for sequencing on an external unit or computer, to avoid doubling when the output note data is simultaneously echoed back to the instrument’s MIDI In port. When the external unit/computer is no longer running, however, the tone generator does not receive anything. For now, check that Local Control is instead turned on.

Secondly, the pattern tracks that you don’t hear can be deactivated or redirected to a MIDI Out port instead of the internal tone generator. When in Song or Pattern mode, go to the [F3] Track page and select the [SF1] Out screen. Check that all the tracks have a MIDI transmit channel assigned in the “TxCh” column and a checkmark in the “Int” column. - 13 June 2024 03:27 PM

I already did a restore using an x3a file I saved previously but it doesn’t solve the problem.

At the Load screen, the “All without system” box has to be unchecked, in order for the Utility and Seq Setup data to be included.

- H -

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Posted on: June 14, 2024 @ 03:50 AM
Total Posts:  41
Joined  03-15-2004
status: Regular

Hi Henry. Thank you so much for your advice. I checked the Local Control but it was already on. I check the pattern settings but still not fixed after doing both.

What I realize it’s that I have a user made pattern already stored and when I play it I can hear flute, violin, drums, strings etc but when I try to play a track without recorded data there is no sound. Could it be that the keyboard has been detached or is not functional and that’s why I am not getting any sound? Also in voice mode I get absolutely no sound from any patch i select.

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Posted on: June 15, 2024 @ 01:32 AM
- Henry -
Total Posts:  237
Joined  10-30-2011
status: Enthusiast

If the keyboard still doesn’t work in any of the modes, and a Factory Reset doesn’t help, this could be a hardware issue. I would consider opening up the bottom panel and make sure all of the ribbons and cables on the inside are securely connected.

I would suggest downloading and studying the Service Manual first.

- H -

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Posted on: June 15, 2024 @ 06:49 PM
Total Posts:  41
Joined  03-15-2004
status: Regular

Hi Henry. So its definitely a hardware issue. Will download the service manual and see what I can do. Thanks again for all your advice. Really appreciate it.


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