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Viewing topic "Easiest way to dump songs from ES6 to PC"

Posted on: March 06, 2020 @ 02:54 AM
Total Posts:  3
Joined  03-06-2020
status: Newcomer

What’s up guys! Newbie here I know this question has probably been asked a million times and I’ve searched the forums for answers but couldn’t find one..

So my producer has some finished beats loaded onto my motif ES6 and was wondering what is the easiest way to dump/transfer them to my pc? I don’t have any equipment other than my workstations so I’m looking to buy something like a interface but wasn’t too sure what would be the easiest way or what kind of interface I should buy? Or what one is best for the motif..Any suggestions?

All help appreciated!!!

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Posted on: March 06, 2020 @ 09:10 AM
Total Posts:  11891
Joined  09-16-2010
status: Legend

Welcome to the forum.

The question has certainly been asked before, so there’s a support article with answers:

I hope that helps.

By the way, since the Rack ES doesn’t have a sequencer, it’s best to post questions about keyboard ES models in its own forum:

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