Old Motifator threads are available in the Archive.
Total Posts: 31
Joined 07-30-2016 status: Regular |
Hi Guys, I’ve just obtained one of these rare cards and I’m looking for the demo midi files that were on the disk that shipped with the card. Anyone got the disk? The manual lists five midi files. I found someone with the EVA_SG.mid file so I’ve found at least one example file for it. I translated the manuals and all of the editor menus into English and put them up on my website, if anyone is interested. You can download them at: JavelinArt.com I’ll put the demo files up on the site too if I ever find them. Email me if you can help!
Total Posts: 31
Joined 07-30-2016 status: Regular |
I’ve uploaded another update to the package. The manuals have all been extensively reworked into readable English now (very few Google Translate errors left) I added in two SG MIDI demo files which I was able to find, and I updated a few of the dialog graphics files to include more English translations which were needed. I also added in some of my notes from testing the card into the text for anyone who follows behind me. I was able to program a few more really good voice patches into the SG card, based on the voices of Mel Torme, Harry Connick Jr, Nat King Cole, and Christina Aguilera, so I now have seven new high quality patches to choose from. I haven’t been able to figure out where the editor stores the newly registered voice patches, though. I won’t be able to pass those on until I figure that out. If anyone would like a copy of the files, go to my website below. Kinda quiet on this board, though. Maybe someone will find these useful sometime in the future. |
KJX Keyboard Jedi
Total Posts: 2
Joined 01-30-2022 status: Newcomer |
Thank you so much for doing all this work! I’ve been to your website and am working through the resources for the PLG SG card. Will download the manual, thank you so much for translating! |