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Viewing topic "Best vs. Worst sounds category on Motif XF"

Posted on: November 10, 2011 @ 05:47 AM
Total Posts:  43
Joined  05-27-2011
status: Regular

I own Motif for 5 months, composed 3 songs on it and i can say which kind of sounds are great and which im missing on Motif.Yes, its more subjective but my opinion is:
- best category is Sax/Woodwing
- worst category is Pads/Choirs

Pads is an element which have to be in every my song so im little sad about this and want to ask where can i download new pads for motif which are more “airy” like.I found vocal pads on Free flash content.They are great but i need some synth pads ...

What about your opinion best-worst Motif sonds category?

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Posted on: November 15, 2011 @ 03:48 PM
Total Posts:  6820
Joined  07-27-2002
status: Guru

Many more pads for the Motif XF available in this library, posted at the Shop:

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Posted on: November 18, 2011 @ 12:24 PM
Total Posts:  185
Joined  03-11-2009
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I found the Pads on the XF to be excellent. Have you tried editing the voices by adding some Reverb, Chorus, etc. They can be quite airy and open. If that doesn’t work for you then follow the link Dave gave you or
as well.

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Posted on: November 23, 2011 @ 07:07 AM
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There are no such things as BEST vs WORST sounds - here’s my take: There are only sounds that are appropriate or inappropriate for what you are doing right now.

Here’s an example: Say you are trying to pick the “BEST” acoustic piano sound (a labor most synth players today spend so much valueable time on)… and you decide it is Piano XYZ.

Then I come along representing a huge advertising agency that wants to hire a writer for a jingle and my criteria is “I want a really compelling pop rock intro, along the lines of Toto’s “Hold the Line”. The jingle pays the lucky musician that submits the winning track a $25,000 bonus plus residuals on a national commercial.

All of a sudden what becomes your “BEST” piano sound. The correct answer is the one that is appropriate for what you are doing. This is always going to be the right answer. There is no 1 piano that is right in all situations, sorry.

If you do not’ like the pads, ...look how long it took to find someone else that does like the pad sounds. I think this says more about what you as an individual musicain are doing than the sounds themselves.

You purchased a synthesizer - if you cannot “synthesize” then you are at the mercy of the libraries that are available. Fortunately, for Motif-series owner’s there has been no shortage of great programs and great programmers making sounds for the Motif-series over the last 10 years.

I recently heard a band that was using amazing pads and really edgy cutting synth sounds, I’m sitting there listening thinking “wow, I wonder what synth that is...” come to find out it was a Motif XS - this is why I love music. I have the same instrument and left to my own creations I gravitate toward a certain set of sounds. And someone else can find a whole OTHER world inside the same synthesizer. To me, that’s really cool!

BEST vs WORST - I understand why this topic comes up, but to me it’s a Coke or Pepsi discussion (strictly an exercise in yelling at each other) but it always breaks down to whether a SOUND is appropriate or inappropiate for what you are doing at the time…

I feel sorry for people who conclude that “THIS sound is terrible"… they simply have no imagination from where I sit. I no longer hear it as what they actually say: What I choose to hear is: This is sound is not right for the type of music I am doing.

The more demonstrative they are about how much the sound sucks, the more I realize that they have not come across any musical situation where the particular sound in question is appropriate. This is totally possible - particular with PADS. I am still discovering new music in some of the PADS sounds of the Motif XF so to hear you say “BEST vs WORST” - of course it is just your opinion. Without know what YOUR music is like, I cannot tell if there is some consistency to your opinion or you just looking to find people that think as you do. But you are not stating Facts - as long as we agree on that, fine. Have fun!

I never had any use for an English Horn (sorry) but when confronted with a situation in the studio the English Horn sound was absolutely perfect for a particular short interlude - imgaine if I had held to my opinion that I don’t like English Horn rather than trying it - by trying it, I discovered it turned out to be the PERFECT sound for that interlude! Who knew?

Keep your mind open. Post what you think is the worst sound - I bet someone else can make a hit record with it.

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Posted on: November 23, 2011 @ 02:15 PM
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Joined  01-25-2005
status: Guru
Bad_Mister - 23 November 2011 07:07 AM

Keep your mind open. Post what you think is the worst sound - I bet someone else can make a hit record with it.

Great point Phil…

Back in the 1980s it seemed like every time a new synthesizer hit the streets within a month or two someone had a big hit using one of the “useless” factory presets.

Most of the time the sound wasn’t even tweaked! Just look at Roland’s D50 factory presets:

Pizzagogo -> Orinoco Flow by Enya

Soundtrack -> Violet by Seal, America by Gary Numan

Fantasia -> You Move Me by Rick Astley

Digital Native Dance -> Dreaming by OMD, Catembe by Miles Davis, Leave or Stay by the Cars

Staccato Heaven -> Touch Me by Samantha Fox

Glass Voices -> the sound that launched a million New Age albums

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Posted on: November 23, 2011 @ 05:29 PM
Total Posts:  43
Joined  05-27-2011
status: Regular

Im trying to compose music like Enigma, Schiller, Delerium, ATB ... For last 4 years i was composing music on Cubase using VST like Atmosphere, Batery, Absynth, Albino ... there was a lot of voices, maybe thats the problem.Now i said to me ... spend less time to search voices, spend more time with composing. So i bought Motif XF and start composing music only with this instrument ... some songs are on youtube, you can listen
After that the first category where im missing sounds are pads.I download Magical Pads and i must said ... this is what im looking for, huge pads with a lot of elements, effects.So im happy now. But my feedback is, because im customer of yamaha (i owned Yamaha QS300, PRS series, first Motif) that Motif has wonderful voices expcet pads :-)For music which im trying to do.
Thats my opinion.Sorry for my english.

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Posted on: November 23, 2011 @ 06:32 PM
Total Posts:  36620
Joined  07-30-2002
status: Moderator

It is all good. Many people never discover all the the potential of the Motif-series engine but we try, as best we can, to introduce different concepts and areas of the engine. For example the arpeggios and the different KEY MODES, the USER LFO and the Tempo Sync, the Tempo driven Effects…

if you are into those types of bands and these types of sounds, you will want to start by exploring the some of the “VELOCITY ZONE” arpeggios and the potential there. We can only point you in the direction - much of what happens in this type of music is that you use the ability to play with the sound as part of your composition. So what you discover while tweaking the VOICE will be different and unique from what anyone else is doing.

Try the following articles to get you started:
VELOCITY ZONE Arpeggios and Velocity Limits

Arpeggio KEY MODES

Recording a PERFORMANCE as audio to the XF Sequencer

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Posted on: November 23, 2011 @ 08:41 PM
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status: Guru
meatballfulton - 23 November 2011 02:15 PM

Back in the 1980s it seemed like every time a new synthesizer hit the streets within a month or two someone had a big hit using one of the “useless” factory presets.

Most of the time the sound wasn’t even tweaked! Just look at Roland’s D50 factory presets:

Pizzagogo -> Orinoco Flow by Enya

Soundtrack -> Violet by Seal, America by Gary Numan

Fantasia -> You Move Me by Rick Astley

Digital Native Dance -> Dreaming by OMD, Catembe by Miles Davis, Leave or Stay by the Cars

Staccato Heaven -> Touch Me by Samantha Fox

Glass Voices -> the sound that launched a million New Age albums

D50 sounds for the Motif available in the DCP Productions “Air” library -
here is a link to the XS version (clck on the “Vintage D Synth” mp3 demo):

XF version of the library here (click on the “D50 voices” mp3 demo:

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Posted on: November 28, 2011 @ 06:21 AM
Total Posts:  1
Joined  11-25-2011
status: Newcomer

In my experience with Motif the best sound you can get is classic music.
Something like Bach, Mozart or Tchaikovsky. As for more or les fresh music, I can say that ‘Bliss’ by muse sounds pretty good. As well as most tracks by Moby.
mp4 to mp3 converter

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Posted on: October 20, 2019 @ 06:40 PM
Michiel D
Total Posts:  191
Joined  11-16-2009
status: Pro

Sometimes you better don’t judge a synth on its presets. One of my favorite synhts of all time is the Yamaha SY77. I must say when you only play the presets, you might think that this synth was one of the worst Yamaha ever produced. But when you start loadings sounds from the internet, especially sounds where the FM sounds are combined with samples, real magic starts to happen and even nowaday impress musicians who use only modern synths, computers (VST, plugins et cetera)…

I myself find the pads of the Motif (ES, XS and XF) really good, very subtle, warm, alive. Of course, so many sounds so even my top 10% gives me more than enough pads … :  ) Of course it’s all a matter of personal taste.

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