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Viewing topic "PLG 150 DX Sound Library"

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Posted on: March 06, 2011 @ 10:14 AM
Total Posts:  52
Joined  10-15-2006
status: Experienced


I have set up a new system and can’t find the PLG 150 DX
sound library anymore. Can I download it somewhere ?
I use the latest YAMAHA DX Simulator which works fine.

Hope you can help.

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Posted on: March 07, 2011 @ 11:16 AM
Total Posts:  994
Joined  08-20-2007
status: Guru

Joomusik - 06 March 2011 10:14 AM


I have set up a new system and can’t find the PLG 150 DX
sound library anymore. Can I download it somewhere ?
I use the latest YAMAHA DX Simulator which works fine.

Hope you can help.

I suppose that you think about DX Nosebleed (free) soundlibrary.
If yes, I have attached it.

File Attachments
DX  (File Size: 372KB - Downloads: 1199)
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Posted on: March 07, 2011 @ 04:31 PM
Total Posts:  52
Joined  10-15-2006
status: Experienced

Thanks Nbadesign, that’s a part of what I was looking for. I was also looking for the original DX-7 libraries. Any idea ?

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Posted on: March 07, 2011 @ 06:30 PM
Total Posts:  3022
Joined  01-25-2005
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DX7 patches can be downloaded
from this site

I’m not 100% sure but I think the factory sets are all included.

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Posted on: March 09, 2011 @ 05:51 PM
Total Posts:  52
Joined  10-15-2006
status: Experienced


I couldn’t find the right file format on this page as they
all seem to be for the DX 7.

I am looking for DX Cartridge Files (.DXC) for the DX Yamaha Simulator Software to feed the PLG 150 DX Plug-in on board
in my Motif Rack ES. Hope someone can point me into the right direction.

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Posted on: March 15, 2011 @ 10:43 AM
Total Posts:  994
Joined  08-20-2007
status: Guru

Joomusik - 09 March 2011 05:51 PM


I couldn’t find the right file format on this page as they
all seem to be for the DX 7.

I am looking for DX Cartridge Files (.DXC) for the DX Yamaha Simulator Software to feed the PLG 150 DX Plug-in on board
in my Motif Rack ES. Hope someone can point me into the right direction.

You could also send a bulk data to PLG, even to send data from DX7. If you have original sysex (syx) files, you could send them from DAW to PLG. I have attached original DX7 files designated as ROM1-ROM4. I am pretty sure that I also have DX7II files, but I should dig more to find them. In meanwile, you could use these DX7 I have attached.


File Attachments  (File Size: 18KB - Downloads: 1059)
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Posted on: May 03, 2011 @ 06:53 PM
Michiel D
Total Posts:  191
Joined  11-16-2009
status: Pro

Hi there,

I own the DX plugin board and would like to import DX7 sounds into the board. So far, I only found sysex files… I’m having seriuos trouble with sending this kind of data to my ES/plg board (can’t get the usb/midi connector up and running). Is there anyone out there who has ‘translated’ the DX7 data into files that can be loaded to the Motif with an usb device? (as with the ‘noseblead’ file)(I assume that the PLG board can’t handle a sysex file...)

Any help would be nice!! thanks in advance.


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Posted on: May 04, 2011 @ 11:22 AM
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status: Guru

Michiel D - 03 May 2011 06:53 PM

Hi there,

I own the DX plugin board and would like to import DX7 sounds into the board. So far, I only found sysex files… I’m having seriuos trouble with sending this kind of data to my ES/plg board (can’t get the usb/midi connector up and running). Is there anyone out there who has ‘translated’ the DX7 data into files that can be loaded to the Motif with an usb device? (as with the ‘noseblead’ file)(I assume that the PLG board can’t handle a sysex file...)

Any help would be nice!! thanks in advance.


In my previous note in the same post, I said that you should use your DAW application (Cubase, Logic, etc.) to send sysex data to PLG board. I have attached PDF instructions for Cubase SX, but it is also suitable for newer versions.


File Attachments
Working with Sysex.pdf  (File Size: 483KB - Downloads: 2809)
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Posted on: May 04, 2011 @ 11:56 AM
Total Posts:  8
Joined  02-22-2010
status: Newcomer

On this French site:

you can download several cartridge (.dxc) files
that can be directly imported into the DX simulator
to feed into a DX7, or a PLG150 DX.

I have attached the dxc files from that site as well,
just in case…

File Attachments  (File Size: 647KB - Downloads: 1345)
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Posted on: May 05, 2011 @ 09:51 AM
Michiel D
Total Posts:  191
Joined  11-16-2009
status: Pro

Thanks for your help and files guys! There’s only one problem ... I’m not using de DX simulator and I’m not working with sysex data.
I managed to get the Nosebleed voices as an w7e/w8e and w2b/w3b file. In this way I can transport the voices with a USB stick (I’m having some serious starters problem to let my PC communicatie with a synth, can’t get the usb interface working...)(maybe I don’t have the right software/programs for using sysex files...). If anyone would be so kind offering the DX7 voices in an editor or w2b type file, that would be great!! Thanks again.

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Posted on: November 16, 2011 @ 02:15 PM
Total Posts:  4
Joined  11-16-2011
status: Newcomer

hey guys does anyone know where i could download the DX Simulator because i just reccently bought the plg150 dx from ebay but it was only the plugin that i received
if anyone could help me i would really appreciate it

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Posted on: November 16, 2011 @ 02:15 PM
Total Posts:  4
Joined  11-16-2011
status: Newcomer

hey guys does anyone know where i could download the DX Simulator because i just reccently bought the plg150 dx from ebay but it was only the plugin that i received
if anyone could help me i would really appreciate it

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Posted on: November 19, 2011 @ 09:20 PM
Total Posts:  994
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status: Guru

mboydrummer - 16 November 2011 02:15 PM

hey guys does anyone know where i could download the DX Simulator because i just reccently bought the plg150 dx from ebay but it was only the plugin that i received
if anyone could help me i would really appreciate it

You could find it here:


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Posted on: November 23, 2011 @ 02:51 PM
Total Posts:  4
Joined  11-16-2011
status: Newcomer

Thanks alot alex

Now im having trouble saving the sounds on to the card
they load to the card but once i turn off the keyboard there not there anymore and i have to load them agian
could anyone tell me what im dong wrong? or tell me how to do it? thanks.

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Posted on: November 24, 2011 @ 12:39 PM
Total Posts:  994
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status: Guru

mboydrummer - 23 November 2011 02:51 PM

Thanks alot alex

Now im having trouble saving the sounds on to the card
they load to the card but once i turn off the keyboard there not there anymore and i have to load them agian
could anyone tell me what im dong wrong? or tell me how to do it? thanks.

There are three different voices regarding PLGs:
1. Presets, that are accessible via host keyboard (Motif, CS, S90, etc.) that support plug-in cards. Presets are plug-in voices with effects and parameters set on host and they are viewable as soon as you put plug-in board in the slot.
2. PLG USER banks are locations where you put your tweaked voices and they should be remain until you make some changes or load another PLG USER voice.
3. Board voices are on the plugin board itself. These voices should be loaded every time after power up, since they resides in board’s RAM memory.

If you have your favourite colection of plug-in voices, than you could save them to “Plugin All Bulk” 1,2 and 3 depending on the slot where the bord is mounted and give name like AUTOLDx. W7B where x could be 1,2 or 3. If you put that file on USB stick that should be in your keyboard during powerup, than your voices will be automatically loaded. You should check Owner’s manual of your host keyboard. For instance, for Motif ES it is on page 135.


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Posted on: November 26, 2011 @ 03:42 AM
Total Posts:  4
Joined  11-16-2011
status: Newcomer

is there anyway you cod send me a step by step or sumthing because i went on the manual and im still confused

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