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Viewing topic "Question About Arps"

Posted on: October 02, 2010 @ 05:37 PM
Total Posts:  75
Joined  12-18-2009
status: Experienced

I posted this question in the XS forum and got no response.  Hopefully I can get an answer here.  Is there a way to program an arp to apply to specific elements in a voice and not others?  Likewise, in performance mode can I have it apply to specific voices and not all of them?  If my question isn’t clear, plz respond and I’ll try to clarify.


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Posted on: October 02, 2010 @ 05:48 PM
Total Posts:  3022
Joined  01-25-2005
status: Guru

In voice mode, all elements will be driven by the arp.

In performances you can choose which of the parts are driven by the arp. Many of the factory perfromances use this feature to play drums.

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