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Viewing topic "Drum Arps with Fill-in!"

Posted on: September 18, 2010 @ 01:10 AM
Total Posts:  221
Joined  08-10-2003
status: Enthusiast

Hi! What I whould like to do: Record 4 measures of MIDI drum from my Tyros 2 to Song. In the last measure do a fill-in, and convert in an arppegio and build a performance where in the same arppegio I have a fill-in (without changing the arp to SF4 or SF5.
Plese tell-me how! Thanks! Dorin

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Posted on: September 23, 2010 @ 10:44 PM
Total Posts:  36620
Joined  07-30-2002
status: Moderator


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Posted on: September 29, 2010 @ 11:40 AM
Total Posts:  426
Joined  11-01-2006
status: Enthusiast

If I understand correctly you want to create 4 measure loop with 3 standard beat and the 4th measure has fill-in? is that correct?

1) First you have to sync the midi-lock (Tyros = master, Motif = slave)
2) [SONG] or [PATTERT] doesn’t matter
3) You must select the MIDI channel that match to Tyros, example the channel 10 for drum and 11 for percursion.
4) Hit REC from Motif, hit play from Tyros...until end of 3rd measure, Hit fill-in..then finish.
5) JOB convert to ARP…

Hope that helps,

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