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Viewing topic "Arp manager and librarian for XS"

Posted on: February 11, 2010 @ 06:31 PM
Total Posts:  563
Joined  08-15-2007
status: Guru

Anyone knows what happened to Arp Manager programmer? Julien was his name? Any plans of upgrading the program for XS?

Any other programmers out there who could continue his work? John Melas? Could you make an arp manager and arpeggio librarian for us XS users? You would have my 29 dollars or even more.

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Posted on: February 12, 2010 @ 06:31 PM
Total Posts:  132
Joined  12-08-2005
status: Pro

Hi Tuquoque,

Don’t worry, i’m still around and watching the forum from time to time. Thanks for bringing some attention to ArpManager.

The fact is, i’m not sure that there is a big demand for an ArpManager for XS, as there hasn’t been a big one for the current version so far. I have no agreement with Yamaha for the specifications of the file format. It has all been done by reverse engineering, which is a huge trial and error task (the user arps format has changed for the XS, the arpeggio behavior has changed too). Also i have no XS to do some tests with.

One can always use the current ArpManager to work with .W7G files, and open them in an XS (i know, this is not a 100% native way of doing things).

If more people let me know that they really need this, and if i manage to get an official document about the new file format (or guess it right and quickly), then i may purchase a small XS and start this project (lots of ‘if’s)…

Meanwhile i haven’t stopped writing (free) stuff for the ES. Lately i wrote a MasterOrganizer for ES ( mainly to be able to manage my Master lists directly from a telephone with Windows Mobile, 30 minutes before the gig (it works for PC too). If it’s useful to me, it could be useful to others too… :)

-- Julien

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Posted on: February 13, 2010 @ 11:18 AM
Total Posts:  563
Joined  08-15-2007
status: Guru
xyzzyx - 12 February 2010 06:31 PM

The fact is, i’m not sure that there is a big demand for an ArpManager for XS, as there hasn’t been a big one for the current version so far.

I’m surprised to hear that. I have used your ArpManager as a librarian and for that it works very well.

I also have the Melas editor pack for XS and I’ve been wondering why there isn’t an arpeggio librarian. If I understood right, it is because Yamaha is not willing to share the information.

Now, all Motif users go and buy the ArpManager and we will get it upgraded for XS : )

Thanks for replying, Julien.

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Posted on: February 14, 2010 @ 11:40 AM
Total Posts:  3022
Joined  01-25-2005
status: Guru

Just popping in to say I have ArpManager and am a big fan of it...thanks for your efforts Julien!!!

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Posted on: February 15, 2010 @ 02:17 PM
Total Posts:  3345
Joined  01-18-2003
status: Guru

I don’t have the XS but I too have found the use of ArpManager very helpful for the ES. I have the Total Library also and that too is a great tool. All of this, of course, depends on just how much and how often you need to control Arps and Voice,Performance etc. I make use for about two or three weeks and then work with them,changing along the way until I get things like I need them. Both are very handy.
Just a thought....

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Posted on: March 28, 2010 @ 07:27 PM
Total Posts:  209
Joined  12-12-2009
status: Enthusiast

ArpManager will be very good for the XS!

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Posted on: April 28, 2010 @ 08:25 PM
Total Posts:  1
Joined  05-24-2008
status: Newcomer

It’ll be great Arp Manager for the XS!! C’mon Julien do it!!!

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