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Viewing topic "stopping and starting arps"

Posted on: October 21, 2009 @ 06:38 PM
Total Posts:  618
Joined  09-22-2005
status: Guru

Just a quick question...I know you cna determine if an arp should start immediately, or on the next measure. But I wanted to ask if this cna ONLY be global, or can it be set for each arp.

IE, we know there are 5 arps available for each performance, so for example can I set arp 5 to be immediate start, whilst the other 4 are set to start at next measure?


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Posted on: October 22, 2009 @ 02:45 PM
Total Posts:  14986
Joined  07-26-2002
status: Legend

As I understand it, the Arp Sync Quantize value applies to all arpeggios for the specific sub-function key ([SF1] - [SF5]). Thus, when you press [SF1] all arpeggios will change according to the Sync Quantize parameter stored to the [SF1] button.

(I’m not in front of my XS right now, so I can’t verify this and of course I could be totally wrong.)


Brad Weber

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