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Viewing topic "Polyphonic arps etc ?"

Posted on: August 16, 2009 @ 05:01 PM
ix studio
Total Posts:  2
Joined  08-16-2009
status: Newcomer

Hi guys

i dont own a motif yet but aside from the sounds etc i wanted to ask about the arp and sequencer abilities.I am looking for a synth where i can program my own say 8 or 16 step sequence But.....then i want to be able to play it polyphonically ? most arps on synths i owned even if they were polyphonic play the arpeggiator monophonically ?i want to be able to sequence parallel lines at 5th and 7th apart by dialing up a sequence and then simply playing and chord which plays the sequnce polyphonically.I hope i am not sounding like an idiot ! its just every sequencer i tried on a synth to do this end or arp makes it monophonic and cycles the notes as expected and not the way i want it to work.Would i have to dial up 3 sequences and vseperate voices to achive this on the motif ?



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Posted on: July 26, 2010 @ 12:10 PM
Total Posts:  426
Joined  11-01-2006
status: Enthusiast

Yes you can do that with motif series. Also, you can have up to 4 apr run same time with motif xs

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