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sticky Name 5852 0 09/08/2020 01:41 PM by hyland
sticky Sound suddenly cuts off? 9982 4 04/20/2020 03:08 AM by piano-player
sticky S90XS DAW Remote and MIDI controller simultaneously… 8899 1 04/08/2020 11:00 AM by 5pinDIN
sticky s90es changing register on split keys 10046 3 11/23/2019 08:37 AM by 5pinDIN
sticky S70 XS strange s6 piano voice glitch 15428 15 11/15/2019 05:04 AM by jussibus
sticky S90XS - assign click switch to Assignable Function?… 6617 0 11/12/2019 10:26 PM by chrisking497
sticky Send bank and program changes from Novation Impulse… 11318 5 10/05/2019 11:18 PM by 5pinDIN
sticky Drum on midi nr 10 9072 1 09/09/2019 05:36 AM by 5pinDIN
sticky New displays are now available for many Yamaha… 7488 0 03/27/2019 08:42 PM by Mandala69
sticky ►♫ Free Arp Management Software ♫◄… 14059 1 11/02/2018 08:01 AM by 5pinDIN
sticky searching sound of Barrel Organ for S90 11634 1 10/08/2018 06:07 PM by GravitonBlue
sticky S70XS Zone faders and knobs appear to not transmit… 12338 1 08/29/2018 08:25 AM by 5pinDIN
sticky S90es midi control question 8528 0 08/19/2018 02:54 AM by jefsong
sticky S90XS VST? 10994 2 08/07/2018 01:23 AM by chrisking497
sticky Bon Jovi ‘Runaway’ intro sound 11434 1 07/28/2018 08:00 AM by 5pinDIN
sticky S90XS turn local control off for one voice only?… 11237 1 07/23/2018 01:01 AM by 5pinDIN
sticky Save S90XS performances onto USB 12539 4 07/17/2018 01:03 AM by chrisking497
sticky Load S90XS data into S90ES? 8418 0 07/11/2018 11:25 PM by chrisking497
sticky S90ES Ipad app 8944 0 05/04/2018 08:31 AM by stanc1966
sticky Sustain Pedal S90 Classic 12905 2 04/08/2018 06:05 PM by jmdaniel89
sticky S90XS Performances question 12069 1 03/30/2018 06:25 PM by 5pinDIN
sticky Why does my S70XS go out of tune? 12901 1 02/20/2018 01:04 AM by seniorblues
sticky Parameter with voice s90xs 12323 10 02/18/2018 09:52 AM by 5pinDIN
sticky S70XS - no waltzes?! 11825 2 02/17/2018 09:33 PM by seniorblues
sticky El Capitan midi driver 12520 2 01/24/2018 08:28 PM by
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