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sticky Overcoming Motif Track Limits and Polyphony Limits… 1025 0 07/29/2024 11:11 AM by lastmonk
sticky Need Method for ADDING Reverb to Part Mid Song… 36140 2 07/16/2021 09:07 PM by lastmonk
sticky Controller Sequences( a.ka. Motion Sequences)… 16194 0 05/01/2021 08:17 PM by lastmonk
sticky Note Resolution Question 8633 4 04/18/2021 08:31 PM by lastmonk
sticky Programming Smart Morph on the Motif???… 6230 0 03/25/2021 05:22 PM by lastmonk
sticky Self Oscillating Filter on Motif/Mox 6215 0 03/18/2021 09:16 PM by lastmonk
sticky 8 (+) Operator FM on Motif/MOX 7479 6 03/16/2021 12:30 AM by lastmonk
sticky Motif Filter Cutoffs and EG Depth Amounts Part… 8392 0 03/03/2020 01:43 AM by lastmonk
sticky DualBPF Distance 11453 5 09/26/2019 12:02 PM by lastmonk
sticky Midi 2.0 ???? 13236 4 01/31/2019 05:44 PM by lastmonk
sticky Bon Jovi BAD MEDICINE keys sound 10288 0 09/28/2018 01:45 AM by chrisking497
sticky Envelope Amount/Depth impact on Envelope?… 15505 4 07/13/2018 03:29 PM by lastmonk
sticky Transpose scene 16846 3 12/28/2017 11:06 PM by 5pinDIN
sticky Question about separating backing track music… 16640 1 11/29/2017 10:24 AM by philwoodmusic
sticky Programming a computer to send MIDI to the MOX… 18309 2 06/16/2017 10:33 AM by lastfermata
sticky How do I save a list of voice splits and layers… 19048 4 01/14/2017 05:04 PM by 5pinDIN
sticky WIN32: MIDI access functions within callbacks 12942 0 01/01/2017 02:40 AM by BruceV
sticky IS THERE A CUSTOM PROGRAMMING SERVICE OUT THERE?… 17889 1 10/21/2016 12:51 PM by MrMotif
sticky MLAN for Motif ES Compatibility 20160 2 10/04/2016 04:58 PM by nbadesign
sticky Is there an undocumented SysEx for Screen Capture?… 18946 2 10/16/2015 10:20 AM by jazz.preest
sticky MOTIF File Extension List 19318 7 10/12/2015 11:12 PM by stoneb3
sticky Bypassing FX at the element level 18021 5 10/07/2015 03:22 AM by pmoody
sticky XS8 modify ADSR in voice patch 18936 2 08/12/2015 01:22 AM by jragins
sticky Motif 8 sounds and programming for Rosanna (TOTO)… 24901 8 07/17/2015 12:02 PM by prokeysman
sticky How do I use a Motif 88 (any series from Classic… 19263 2 03/08/2015 12:33 PM by ZKeys
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