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sticky MOTIF XF6,7,8 and SONAR - instrument definition… 77999 7 02/10/2020 07:53 PM by Aanon
sticky MOXF8 / DAW Configuration Questions 31544 0 07/03/2017 09:23 PM by KiwiPete
sticky Sonar 8.5 Producer & XF6 ? 23994 2 05/15/2016 06:58 PM by Jeremy James
sticky Sonar X1 & Motif XF - How? 43883 8 02/20/2015 05:03 PM by micaofboca
sticky Sonar x3 & s70xs VST3 Editor 47014 26 11/08/2014 09:05 AM by pianosmurf
sticky Sonar/Cakewalk config file for Motif XF 15006 0 07/27/2014 10:21 AM by jimmyjoebob
sticky Cakewalk audiointerface hookup issues -help requested… 22554 1 03/13/2014 01:51 PM by Bad_Mister
sticky Experience comments 20931 2 05/20/2013 03:25 PM by Bad_Mister
sticky Need Specific Directions to Record Arpeggio to… 20472 1 05/02/2013 06:32 AM by Bad_Mister
sticky recording arpeggios in sonar 8 19942 1 05/01/2013 04:06 AM by Octaveman
sticky MOTIFXS8 + Sonar X2: Rotaries and select track… 21017 4 03/19/2013 08:35 AM by Risha Tedo
sticky MOX8 and Sonar instrument definition 24001 2 02/06/2013 05:53 PM by 4partmusic
sticky MOX6 & Sonar x1 - Basics for Newbie 24695 2 05/31/2012 12:06 PM by WesleyM
sticky Sync via MIDI between MOTIF XS and Sonar X1 25134 1 02/17/2012 12:14 PM by Bad_Mister
sticky Draw Control Organ sound looses all its qualily… 23681 1 11/30/2011 12:36 PM by selbalicious
sticky Synchronizing text with a Motif XS 15580 0 03/16/2011 02:30 AM by Lepianist
sticky PLG150DX Instrumnt Definition File 16080 0 12/25/2010 07:15 PM by angelsynth
sticky MO6 Remote Mackie/ACT Control 16305 0 08/09/2010 11:17 PM by lazuriz
sticky Cakewalk Newbie Question 24267 4 07/09/2010 06:54 PM by mnoce
sticky help with firewire 22608 1 06/21/2010 10:11 PM by Bad_Mister
sticky XS8 as MIDI Controller for Sonar 23416 1 06/07/2010 03:01 AM by Bad_Mister
sticky General Midi 22268 1 06/02/2010 10:56 PM by meatballfulton
sticky problem when looping a section of a song 20952 1 05/11/2010 03:26 PM by TonyPhillips
sticky Es6 + i88x + mac + sonar 8 14610 0 04/29/2010 11:29 PM by cclarkkkent
sticky Amazing results with Sonar 8 and Vista 21915 8 04/24/2010 01:00 PM by Kingfrog
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