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sticky Yamaha’s Hardware Sequencers vs.  Cubase’s… 1231 0 07/25/2024 03:15 PM by lastmonk
sticky Motif 7 cubase 13 5175 3 04/06/2024 04:48 PM by - Henry -
sticky Help Routing Audio to Cubase AudioTrack 5688 0 04/09/2023 05:36 PM by easy-winner
sticky Help recording MIDI drums through Motif into DAW… 4528 1 02/15/2023 05:50 AM by craigers01
sticky Using Moxf as a ‘Sound Engine’ for… 8039 1 06/06/2022 11:20 AM by Wellie
sticky Flexible use of DAW timelines. 10172 3 03/27/2021 04:43 AM by philwoodmusic
sticky In Cubase 11, view the port number of my external… 10123 2 12/14/2020 02:39 AM by brwl
sticky Firewire to Thunderbolt 3 15986 1 05/28/2020 09:59 PM by amulitz1
sticky Can I adjust the Snare Drum Velocity “character”?… 10292 1 05/27/2020 05:00 PM by 5pinDIN
sticky Midi tracks to audio tracks 9789 1 05/17/2020 03:48 AM by philwoodmusic
sticky Free notation software from Steinberg 11048 3 01/17/2020 12:28 AM by lastmonk
sticky Problems w/ the New Steinberg USB Driver (2.0.2)… 12791 2 01/12/2020 01:12 PM by MarkJohnson
sticky MOTIF XF6 and Cubase 7 7202 0 11/13/2019 11:13 PM by jazzmannnn
sticky MOXF8 TEMPO DOES NOT MATCH STUDIO ONE 10493 1 09/13/2019 02:55 AM by zpink
sticky The Truth about DAW Sequencing/Recording vs… 7958 0 08/22/2019 12:01 PM by lastmonk
sticky choose differents moxf8 voices in cubase elements… 7518 0 06/30/2019 07:16 AM by johpat
sticky mLAN / MotifXS6 + Cubase - Still Mostly Viable… 11900 5 04/24/2019 10:40 PM by 5pinDIN
sticky Should I upgrade to Cubase Pro? Safely..?… 7923 0 04/18/2019 03:04 AM by Ed S
sticky Applying Different Pitch Bend Values to Each Note… 11703 7 04/08/2019 12:26 PM by zpink
sticky Laptop or desktop? 18478 14 03/04/2019 09:00 AM by Wellie
sticky Cubase Map Expression and MOTIF XF 7919 0 02/10/2019 11:25 AM by JujuYamahaXF
sticky Change Time signature in Cubase ***Solved*** 15256 8 12/18/2018 12:44 PM by 5pinDIN
sticky Yamaha VST YC-3B, Cubase And High resoultion screen…… 12718 3 12/13/2018 07:57 AM by blafot
sticky Sampling with Cubase ? 12450 5 11/13/2018 06:55 PM by zpink
sticky Using the Cubase Effects on seperate Moxf Vst-tracks?… 13963 9 10/31/2018 12:54 PM by zpink
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