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Viewing topic "change order of songs in moxf8"

Posted on: January 18, 2024 @ 04:58 PM
Total Posts:  5
Joined  05-27-2016
status: Newcomer

Hello- is there a way to change the order of songs in the MOXF8 as they are stored in the songs listing? ie:, alphabetically, or do I have to move them around manually?

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Posted on: January 18, 2024 @ 09:25 PM
Total Posts:  686
Joined  10-14-2008
status: Guru

From what I recall, prior to getting John Melas’s tools which makes the process a breeze, I would manual;y copy a song to a new location and keep ping -ponging them until I had them where I wanted.  I do not know if the motif editor has the capability of rearranging songs as I never used it.

Honestly, if you plan on keeping the motif and do anything with voice libraries, custom voice setups, and manipulating songs, the Melas tools are priceless, and John Melas provides excellent customer service. 
I’ve used his tools for the XF, XS, MOXF, and the MX.  While I use it primarily for my XF now, it’s invaluable for the moxf with its small screen and multi-tiered menu system that would drive me nuts doing thing manually.

Sorry for babble.  Don’t get around this forum too much anymore.  Always good to see all of your posts and knowing the Motif is alive and well out there.

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Posted on: January 20, 2024 @ 07:46 AM
Total Posts:  5
Joined  05-27-2016
status: Newcomer

Thanks= I’ll check it out.

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