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Viewing topic "Moving song files to Macbook Pro then convert to .WAV"

Posted on: April 12, 2023 @ 03:47 AM
Total Posts:  18
Joined  11-27-2006
status: Regular

Hi there,

I have a Motif Classic and wondered is it possible to easily transfer a song file to my macbook pro and then convert the songs from their raw file format to .wav .mp3 or similar?

I have them on the SD Card and can see them in Preview on my macbook but don’t know of a way of converting them?

If not, is it a case of having to play them as an audio track into Garageband and converting them to .wav on export? Would this method potentially lose audio quality?

By way of explanation, they are drum patterns I used for a live project 20 years ago, and I want to use them again, but without having to hum my Motif to gigs as a macbook is far easier!

Many thanks in advance.

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