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Viewing topic "MX61 and FC7"

Posted on: November 22, 2020 @ 06:01 PM
Total Posts:  1
Joined  11-22-2020
status: Newcomer

MX61 (but probably ALL MOTIF based synths?)
There is some weird behaviour involving the Foot Controller input (FC7 connected).
In theory you could assign the Foot Controller input to one of several useful GLOBAL things, but only some of them works as “expected”.
The selected CC number is always output on the USB/MIDI out, but for some of them it is NOT SENT TO THE SOUND ENGINE!
Since it this is inconsistent and not documented anywhere, is this actually a bug/limitation?

ModWheel, CC01: works as modulation wheel
Volume, CC07: works as volume controller
Pan, CC10: does not work (doesn’t affect panning)
Express, CC11: works, alters volume but independently of volume controller (and is default)
General1, CC16: works as assignable control 1
General2, CC17: works as assignable control 2
Ribbon, CC22: works as ribbon controller (probably the only useful function out-of-the-box)
----- , CC31: does not work (doesn’t affect EG sustain)
Sustain, CC64: works as sustain pedal (the most useless function because of the FS input)
Harmonic, CC71: does not work (doesn’t affect resonance)
Release, CC72: does not work (doesn’t affect EG release)
Attack, CC73: does not work (doesn’t affect EG attack)
Bright, CC74: does not work (doesn’t affect cutoff)
Decay, CC75: does not work (doesn’t affect EG decay)
Effect1, CC91: does not work (doesn’t affect reverb send)
Effect3, CC93: does not work (doesn’t affect chorus send)

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