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Viewing topic "Voice Ediotor File Utility"

Posted on: May 21, 2019 @ 03:41 PM
Total Posts:  33
Joined  02-11-2018
status: Regular

I have a very old Computer Running Windows 7. Will the voice editor and file utility work for this operation system, or does it have to be an earlier version?

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Posted on: May 23, 2019 @ 05:58 PM
- Henry -
Total Posts:  237
Joined  10-30-2011
status: Enthusiast

Hi there,

I use the Voice- and Multi Part editors for the Motif ES, as well as the Studio Manager, and these work just fine on Windows 7. The Motif (classic) software precedes the ES by a couple of years, and was written for Windows XP, but should run on Win7 as well. If it doesn’ work, there are a couple of things to check:

1: Yamaha says you need to have the USB-MIDI driver installed for the editor to work. Your Motif must also be set to use its USB connection for MIDI.

2: Yamaha says Studio Manager V2 also has to be installed. I assume this means the editor can only run inside Studio Manager, and not standalone.

3: If it doesn’t work, you could try uninstalling the editor, and then re-install it with “compatibility mode” for XP and administrative privileges (right-click the installer .exe file and select properties to find these settings).

I’m not familiar with the file utility, but it was probably written for XP too.

Best of luck!

- H -

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Posted on: May 24, 2019 @ 09:30 AM
Total Posts:  33
Joined  02-11-2018
status: Regular

Nice Ill give those a try. Thanks!

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