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Viewing topic "New displays are now available for many Yamaha models"

Posted on: March 28, 2019 @ 03:07 PM
Total Posts:  3
Joined  03-27-2019
status: Newcomer

New displays are now available for those musicians with a Yamaha Motif 6, 7 or 8.  Also For those with a Yamaha MO6, MO7 or MO8. Also new displays for those with a Yamaha S90 and for those with a Yamaha RM1X - Luxmuzik on Ebay is now offering new displays. The displays are available in white on blue and white on black versions.  Much improved than the original black on green displays.  The new displays are both beautiful and easier to read. No one else is making these enhanced screens available.  I am hoping enough people will buy these screens so he can continue in business offering other new displays in the future.

The installation instructions which I am providing a link for apply to all the Yamaha models I mentioned above.  The displays are all configured the same.

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