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Viewing topic "Stars - 100% Motif - well almost"

Posted on: January 09, 2017 @ 04:52 PM
Total Posts:  51
Joined  10-05-2011
status: Experienced

Hi All

This is a song I wrote ages ago and “produced” initially using logic, manually sequencing keys & bass and playing in the guitar parts against a Logic drum loop. This is the file Stars 5.

Somehow I managed to get the tempo way slow which really had a negative impact on the singing but at the time I didn’t click that it was the tempo ?!?!

I have recently been working on it on the motif using a performance, then the pattern mode and finally into the sequencer and am starting to really see the power of that as a way of working. The vocal is recorded directly into the motif sequencer using the ISS. I only bounced it via FW and Logic to add some loudness and because you can bounce directly to mp3. This is the file Stars 133 Motif-FW

Anyway, hope you like it.


File Attachments
Stars 5.mp3  (File Size: 4021KB - Downloads: 456)
Stars 133 Motif-FW.mp3  (File Size: 5646KB - Downloads: 500)
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