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Viewing topic "Take It Back"

Posted on: November 23, 2016 @ 01:40 PM
Total Posts:  288
Joined  09-10-2006
status: Enthusiast

Hello, Motif Brothers it has been a long time since I been on the site and I final made it back....after my wife passed a few years back I gave up on music....I was hard now I am writing again...just something I made up on the fly.....

File Attachments
03 Track 03.mp3  (File Size: 6012KB - Downloads: 473)
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Posted on: November 24, 2016 @ 01:20 PM
Total Posts:  1122
Joined  10-02-2002
status: Administrator

That’s a serious groove you’ve got going on there! Very nice indeed. Music is a wonderful healer so keep taking - and making - that medicine. Happy Thanksgiving!


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